S - Slang used over internet, in facebook, whatsapp chat | Page 4

List of all abbreviations starting with S. We have over 1012 acronyms / slang used in facebook comments and whatsapp chat online over the internet.

SG - Speedy Gentleman SG - Spree Girl SG2M - Sounds Good To Me SGH - Sure Go Home SGL - Super God Like SGMB - She Got Me Bad SGML - Sounds Great, Maybe Later SGO - Let's Go SGT - Sergeant SGTM - Sounds Good To Me SH - Same Here SH - Same Here SH - Super Human SHADDAP - Shut up SHADE - Casual, disrespectful SHADES - Sunglasses SHADY - Shifty, sly, sneaky SHAFT - Screw, rip off SHANK - Homemade knife SHANK - Stab SHAWN - Attractive man SHAWTY - Young girl/woman SHB - Super Hot Babe SHEERIO - An Ed Sheeran Fan SHEILA - Woman SHELL-LIKE - Ear SHERLOCKIAN - A Fan Of Sherlock Holmes SHERM - Cigarette dipped in PCP SHH - Be quiet, shut up SHID - Slaps Head In Disgust SHILL - Decoy, person in on a scam SHINNY - Informal game of hockey SHIOK - Expression of happiness, pleasure SHIP - Romantic relationship SHIRT LIFTER - Homosexual Male SHIT - Superb Hacking Intelligence Team SHIT - Slang Hated In The most formal places SHIV - Home made knife SHIZZLE - Sure SHK - Should Have Known SHM - Simple Harmonic Motion SHMILY - See How Much I Love You SHMILY - See How Much I Love You SHO - Sure SHO - Super High Output SHO - Some How or Other SHOOK - Scared, frightened SHOOP - Photoshop SHOOTER - Gun SHOOTER - Person who fires a gun SHOPPED - Photoshopped, manipulated SHORTY - Girlfriend, attractive girl SHOTGUN - Front passenger seat SHOTTA - Thug, gangster SHOTTA - Drug dealer SHOULDA - Should have SHOULDA - Should Have SHOX - Shocks SHRINK - Psychiatrist SHU - Secure Housing Unit SHUBZ - House party, rave SHUCKS - Expression of modesty or disappointment SHUG - Sugar SHUP - Shut Up SHURUP - Shut Up SHUSH - Shut up, be quiet SHUX - Shucks, expression of modesty SHWE - Should We SHY - Say Hi Yes SI - Stop It SI - Stupid Idiot SI - Simply Irresistible SI - Silly I SIA - Sorry I Asked SIAP - Sorry If Already Posted SIAP - Sorry If Already Posted SIAS - Say It Ain't So SIC - Latin sicut (just as) - apparent mistake SIC - Said In Context SIC - Said In Content SICK - Awesome, cool SICS - Sitting In Chair Snickering SID - Acid, LSD SIDA - Syndrome Imagined To Discourage Amour SIDA - Syndrome Imagined to Discourage Amour SIDK - Sorry, I Didn't Know SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIF - As If SIFS - Secret Internet Fatties SIG - Signature SIG - Sorority Interest Group SIG - Super Intelligent Geeks SIGH - Exhale depressedly SIK - same as SICK SIKE - Indicating the previous statement is false SIKE - Psyche SIKED - Psyched, excited about SIL - Son-In-Law SIM - Subscriber Identity Module SIM CARD - Subscriber Identity Module for a mobile phone A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z