20 Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does 20 mean? Now know the meaning of 20 used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Current location of someone or something, used on radio communications Asking someone what he is doing currently or his/her current status

Meaning of 20 ?

Meaning of 20 is Current location of someone or something, used on radio communications, Asking someone what he is doing currently or his/her current status.

20 Definition

The defintion of 20 is Current location of someone or something, used on radio communications, Asking someone what he is doing currently or his/her current status. .

What does 20 mean?

20 means Current location of someone or something, used on radio communications, Asking someone what he is doing currently or his/her current status.

Comments having 20

“A steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”This pastor's response to that line went viral and moved the world:… Baby metal are 20 minutes late and refusing to come out because it's raining omg $MGT press release every time it's close to cracking 2.20 lol, no way that's a coincidence. Such an entertaining pump 20 savvy startups that will change the way technology engages our lives in the next 5 years. CR saying he's the best player of the last 20 years. Not fit to clean the boots of: Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Pirlo, Totti, Lahm, R10, Rivaldo

The Duke will make it out to France to watch the @England v Slovakia game on 20 June #UEFA2016 Hanteo chart 1st week sales (160610 16:20)1.EXO-EX'ACT : 352,3002.EXO-SFY : 270,5003.EXO-EXODUS : 267,2004.EXO-MID : 197,800 Wakes up.Sits on gold toilet.Types something racist.Takes 20 pills.Goes back to bed. … Took bribe for seat on sensitive intelligence board Took bribe for 20% of our uranium to Russia☐ Took the Fifth after her indictment Respect to those in Europe doing 20 hour long fasts. I get hungry 45 minutes after suhoor. “A steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”This pastor's response to that line went viral and moved the world:… Baby metal are 20 minutes late and refusing to come out because it's raining omg $MGT press release every time it's close to cracking 2.20 lol, no way that's a coincidence. Such an entertaining pump 20 savvy startups that will change the way technology engages our lives in the next 5 years. CR saying he's the best player of the last 20 years. Not fit to clean the boots of: Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Pirlo, Totti, Lahm, R10, Rivaldo The Duke will make it out to France to watch the @England v Slovakia game on 20 June #UEFA2016 Hanteo chart 1st week sales (160610 16:20)1.EXO-EX'ACT : 352,3002.EXO-SFY : 270,5003.EXO-EXODUS : 267,2004.EXO-MID : 197,800 Wakes up.Sits on gold toilet.Types something racist.Takes 20 pills.Goes back to bed. … Took bribe for seat on sensitive intelligence board Took bribe for 20% of our uranium to Russia☐ Took the Fifth after her indictment Respect to those in Europe doing 20 hour long fasts. I get hungry 45 minutes after suhoor.

What does 20 stand for?

Terms relating to 20

212 - Speak with someone :-P - Emoticon Of Someone Sticking Their Tongue Out ? - What? ?? - What? AC - Alternating Current BDN - Busy Doing Nothing BHH - Bless His/Her Heart BOF - Whatever BOON - Someone who has been a NOOB for ages BSU - Boring Status Update BWDIK - But What Do I Know? BWTH - But What The Hell