ABFAB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ABFAB mean? Now know the meaning of ABFAB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Absolutely Fabulous

Meaning of ABFAB ?

Meaning of ABFAB is Absolutely Fabulous.

ABFAB Definition

The defintion of ABFAB is Absolutely Fabulous. .

What does ABFAB mean?

ABFAB means Absolutely Fabulous.

Comments having ABFAB

@TaraWardBooks @ReynoldsMD @HELENLANGLEY3 @TIMShandor @LornaVBA @maidment_jeremy Have an ABFAB Weekend All! The girls all look ABFAB and stunning in the MV but GaJi's visuals...omg Fantastic! ABFAB Best Live production @GoGrease Congrats to the cast & crew #GreaseLive #Grease @JulesHough @VanessaHudgens Even in shock or horror, We're ABFAB! ^^ #DowntonPBS … ABFAB: 25 bicycle crunches, 20 reverse crunches, 1 minute plank (30 sec elbows/30 sec hands). Rest and repeat 5 times!! Your messages are ABFAB, thank you so much! … My #soulsister MICKEY YOU WERE ABFAB. IM SO GLAD TO HAVE HAD THIS EXPERIENCE! #tristanites … Everyone! Please go subscribe to @JessAndJakey cos they're 2 ABFAB queens on just one channel!!!!! … ABFAB! Love the way his dad collected his victory stump from him! What moment … Tiffany is ABFAB! her or scotty to win surely #CBB

Terms relating to ABFAB

ABFAB - Absolutely Fabulous ABS - Absolutely FAB - Fabulous FABU - Fabulous FANTABULOUS - Fantastic and fabulous IMAHO - In My Absolutely Honest Opinion SPOT ON - Absolutely correct, perfect AC. - Absolutely Charming AC - Absolutely Charming ADF - Absolutely Daft Fool FBI - Fabulous, Beautiful, and Intelligent FOB - Fabulous Oriental Being IHTFP - I Have This Fabulous Party ACGAF - Absolutely couldn't give a f**k BANANA - Built Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody SINBAD - Single income, no boyfriend, absolutely desperate WYSBANRTWYG - What You See Bears Absolutely No Relation To What You Get A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z