ASLRP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ASLRP mean? Now know the meaning of ASLRP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

age, sex, location, race, picture

Meaning of ASLRP ?

Meaning of ASLRP is age, sex, location, race, picture.

ASLRP Definition

The defintion of ASLRP is age, sex, location, race, picture. .

What does ASLRP mean?

ASLRP means age, sex, location, race, picture.

Comments having ASLRP

#ThrowbackInternet .....meetin someone online and u write them and say "aslrp" (ASLRP)

What does ASLRP stand for?

Terms relating to ASLRP

ASL - Age, Sex, Location ASLP - Age, Sex, Location, Picture? CLOUD - The Internet (non-local storage, software etc) EMOJI - Tiny Pictures Used In Texts To Communicate A Feeling Or A Concept GIF - Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format GPOY - Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself GPOYW - Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself Wednesday LOLCAT - Cat picture with silly caption MOXY - Courage, confidence MPAA - Motion Picture Assosciation of America MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group MUGSHOT - Head and shoulders picture NASL - Name, Age, Sex, Location NPNT - No Picture, No Talk PC 4 PC - Picture Comment For Picture Comment PC4PC - Picture Comment For Picture Comment. PEERS - People in the same group, equals in age, background etc PFP - Picture For Proof PIC - Picture PIX - Pictures SELCA - Self Cam picture SELFIE - Picture of yourself, usually taken by yourself THUMBNAIL - Small version of a picture TTIUWP - This Thread Is Useless Without Pictures TTIWWP - This Thread Is Worthless Without Pictures TWITCON - Profile picture on Twitter ASL - Age, Sex, Location NASL - Name, Age, Sex And Location NPNT - No Picture, No Talk PMV - Picture Music Video SYSOP - Sent Your Spouse Obscene Pictures TTIWWOP - This Thread Is Worthless With Out Pictures WTTP - Want To Trade Pictures? A/S/L/P - Age/Sex/Location/Picture A/S/L/R - age, sex, location, race ASLOP - Age Sex Location Orientation Picture ASLRP - age, sex, location, race, picture DYGTP - did you get the picture FORGIVE - Faith, Obedience, Righteousness, Grace, Inheritance LSV - Language, s*x and violence N/A/S/L - name, age, sex location NOODZ - nude pictures RHPS - Rocky Horror Picture Show A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z