AYS%3F Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does AYS%3F mean? Now know the meaning of AYS%3F used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Are You Sure

Meaning of AYS%3F ?

Meaning of AYS%3F is Are You Sure .

AYS%3F Definition

The defintion of AYS%3F is Are You Sure . .

What does AYS%3F mean?

AYS%3F means Are You Sure .

Terms relating to AYS%3F

4SHO - For Sure AAP - Always A Pleasure CLUTCH - Perform under pressure DKFS - Don't Know For Sure ENC - Enclosure EYEBALL - Estimate measurement by looking FASHO - For sure FO SHO - For Sure FO'SHIZZLE - For Sure FOSHO - For Sure FSHO - For Sure IMP - It's My Pleasure INS - I'm Not Sure JMS - Just Making Sure MHMM - Yes, sure, OK MMM - Expression of pleasure or contentment NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement PSI - Pounds per Square Inch (pressure) RCH - A very small unit of measurement SHIOK - Expression of happiness, pleasure SHIZZLE - Sure SHO - Sure URGH - Expression of annoyance, displeasure WMP - With Much Pleasure AYS%3F - Are You Sure IPD - Inducing The Pleasure Dreams ISSYGTI - I'm So Sure You Get The Idea JMS - Just Making Sure KST - Know Sure Thing MP - My Pleasure MSYHMO - Make Sure You Help Me Out RMT - Room Monster Treasure SGH - Sure Go Home SOAP - Surely Only A Prank? SR. - Sure SR - Sure USMC - u sure mom cares? USMC - You Sure Mom Cares? WASP - We Ain't Sure, Pal XAAPA - Experience All Around Pleasure Always YYSSW - Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z