BAIT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does BAIT mean? Now know the meaning of BAIT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Blatant, obvious

Meaning of BAIT ?

Meaning of BAIT is Blatant, obvious.

BAIT Definition

The defintion of BAIT is Blatant, obvious. .

What does BAIT mean?

BAIT means Blatant, obvious.

Comments having BAIT

@HowardKurtz I discredit all the Megyn Kelly defenders on @FoxNews. Defending her BAIT bias reflects poorly on them #Trump2016 Or your holier than thou act is BAIT horseshit evidenced by the fact that you're online at all, fuckwit. … open, honest, frank, patent, BAIT, prominent, dominant, supreme, rare, singular, mysterious, mystify, vex @TVRav They're not illusive in anyway, Rav. They're BAIT, 'in yer face' and everywhere. Europe is sick of illegal migrants. @kevinjthompson In principle. But how about two BAIT, proven liars?

What does BAIT stand for?

Terms relating to BAIT

BAIT - Blatant, obvious BATE - Obvious LDO - Like Duh, Obviously MOPO - Master Of the Painfully Obvious MOTO - Master Of The Obvious OBS - Obviously OBV - Obviously OBVI - Obviously OBVS - Obviously OBVY - Obviously OBVZ - Obviously OVO - Obviously BGO - Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious IOC - I'm Obviously Corrupt ISO - Its So Obvious MOTO - Master Of The Obvious NOOB - No One's Obvious Business OSC - Obvious Spotters Crew IOTTMCO - Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer YOWTWYWT - You Obviously Weren't Thinking When You Wrote That A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z