BIB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

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Baby In Belly

Meaning of BIB ?

Meaning of BIB is Baby In Belly.

BIB Definition

The defintion of BIB is Baby In Belly. .

What does BIB mean?

BIB means Baby In Belly.

Comments having BIB

@Laughin_Man Or...Or..OOOOOOOOOOOOR cuz there is a BIB prehaps??? maybe? Idk. It's 2am NSW time...12.30 Darwin time...ready for bed..hugged Jillian Adam and BIB...she's looking fabulous

Terms relating to BIB

ABG - Asian Baby Girl BAE - Baby BAIRN - Child, baby BAY - Baby BBY - Baby BBYG - Baby Girl BG - Baby Gangster FOOPA - Fat in belly area ILYSMB - I Love You So Much Baby LSHMBH - Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts MAMI - Sexy, Baby OBBY - Oh, Baby PWEASE - Babyish form of Please SBJ - Sweet Baby Jesus WLYB - Who Loves You Baby YAGB - You Ain't Grizz Baby (COD) ALVB - Asta La Vista, Baby B.B. - Big Baby B.B. - Baby B.L. - Belly Laughing BB - Big Baby BB - Baby BD. - Baby Dance BD - Baby Dance BIB. - Baby In Belly BIB - Baby In Belly BL. - Belly Laughing BL - Belly Laughing CB. - Ciao Baby CB - Ciao Baby KMB - Kiss Me Baby LSHMBH - Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts RMB - Rub My Belly SOB - Slide Over, Baby VB. - Virtual Baby VB - Virtual Baby WLYB - Who Loves Ya Baby? ABDL - Adult Baby Diaper Lover CLAB - Crying Like A Baby CYLBD - catch ya later baby doll ILUB - I love you baby ILYBBY - i love you baby ILYSFMB - i love you so f**king much baby IWYTHMB - i want you to have my baby L2LYB - Love to love you baby LSHMBA - Laughing So Hard My Belly Aches LSHMBB - Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing LSHMBIB - Laugh so loudly my belly is bouncing LU2B - Love you too baby RMLB - Read My Lips Baby A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z