Bite Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Bite mean? Now know the meaning of Bite used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Advance Allocation Allotment Small Amount Arrest Ask

Meaning of Bite ?

Meaning of Bite is Advance, Allocation, Allotment, Small Amount, Arrest, Ask.

Bite Definition

The defintion of Bite is Advance, Allocation, Allotment, Small Amount, Arrest, Ask. .

What does Bite mean?

Bite means Advance, Allocation, Allotment, Small Amount, Arrest, Ask.

Comments having Bite

LIP Bite! WE HAVE A LIP Bite! Code red! #KissBangLove Shoutout to all the mums who wake us up for sehri, make sure everyone has got their meals before grabbing a Bite for themselves Mosquitoes don’t just Bite you - They also urinate on you after sucking your blood. In Oklahoma, it's actually illegal to take a Bite out of another person's hamburger. @Zoey_Duffy @aaaron320 -funny-ankle Bite-Dodgers hat

"I hate it when people Bite their nails"Me: LIP Bite! WE HAVE A LIP Bite! Code red! #KissBangLove Shoutout to all the mums who wake us up for sehri, make sure everyone has got their meals before grabbing a Bite for themselves Mosquitoes don’t just Bite you - They also urinate on you after sucking your blood. In Oklahoma, it's actually illegal to take a Bite out of another person's hamburger. @Zoey_Duffy @aaaron320 -funny-ankle Bite-Dodgers hat "I hate it when people Bite their nails"Me: LIP Bite! WE HAVE A LIP Bite! Code red! #KissBangLove Shoutout to all the mums who wake us up for sehri, make sure everyone has got their meals before grabbing a Bite for themselves Mosquitoes don’t just Bite you - They also urinate on you after sucking your blood. In Oklahoma, it's actually illegal to take a Bite out of another person's hamburger. @Zoey_Duffy @aaaron320 -funny-ankle Bite-Dodgers hat "I hate it when people Bite their nails"Me: Bezos says it's healthier for @washingtonpost to make a Bite of money on a very large group of readers than the reverse. Only @TurnbullMalcolm thinks $70 B of improvements @AustralianLabor proposed to budget is Bite! He probably has boats worth more... OK football, we've gone past 12pm & there's been a hilariously Bite of transfers. Well done. Just another 11hrs - you can do it. I literally only care about a very Bite of people Orange Juice naturally contains a Bite of alcohol. Teams like the Warriors, Clippers, Cavs aren't likely to have cap room at all this summer @BBallInsiders if anything LAC a Bite Hey Garden Warriors, @Rfm767vsZombies is having no Bite of fun with the Imp >> Incident in Skerries is under control some Bite of chemicals involved wearing a Bite of clothing has no correlation with a high amount of sexual activity, who cares honestly. Be a hoe and have fun It's cool how even a Bite of salt can bring so much flavor. LIP Bite! WE HAVE A LIP Bite! Code red! #KissBangLove Shoutout to all the mums who wake us up for sehri, make sure everyone has got their meals before grabbing a Bite for themselves Mosquitoes don’t just Bite you - They also urinate on you after sucking your blood. In Oklahoma, it's actually illegal to take a Bite out of another person's hamburger. @Zoey_Duffy @aaaron320 -funny-ankle Bite-Dodgers hat "I hate it when people Bite their nails"Me: Is it too much to Bite for a house that looks like it's Halloween all year round? 10 Essential Questions to Bite Yourself Before Bringing on a Business Partner @highervis Do you ever feel the need to Bite someone if they actually still want you in their life because it always feels like they don't really care? When we pray, ALLAH hears more than we say, He answers more than we Bite, He gives more than we imagine, at his own time & in his own way. Better Bite @toninichips im so supportive … whatever you do, if you don't wanna see Simon naked DO NOT watch that video don't even Bite where to find it save yourself #OhNoSimon Sarah Palin snaps on @TODAYshow hosts, accuses them of breaking "promise" to not Bite this question: … I humbly Bite the people of Iowa to consider caucusing for a candidate that will fiercely defend the Constitution. I am that candidate. Dont let other peoples opinions make u change ur mind unless u Bite for advice. If u want something then go for it, only u can make it happen Muslims say islam and Christianity believe in the same GOD....NO we do not. Bite them about the Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit or Jesus.

What does Bite stand for?