CARTY Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CARTY mean? Now know the meaning of CARTY used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Party in a car

Meaning of CARTY ?

Meaning of CARTY is Party in a car.

CARTY Definition

The defintion of CARTY is Party in a car. .

What does CARTY mean?

CARTY means Party in a car.

Comments having CARTY

@Taylorhjones98 u can't have a CARTY .. @RenTheFox @Bandeirante240 CARTY! Alyssa is at a CARTY in philly @_worstdream 2)CARTY or an airplane?#WCW @TheSnarkasm @flippers751 @tony1953 @TeeEyeM Which is very little compared to that inflicted by those in a hurry to work or a CARTY Absurdity and good times are had in a new video!! Dance CARTY @Coffinsyrup69 @ANSETT_AU @lochlanwatt @keldonxtheodore he asked a 16 y.o @returntrip_ to CARTY park once Ever had a slumber CARTY? We have @juicy_janie @GarnerNathaniel #LiveTweetsFromTheo Our team can assist if you need to press charges against another CARTY accident, or any other legal issues. How do I determine if the at-fault CARTY accident is insured or uninsured?

Terms relating to CARTY

BANGER - Great party BNP - British National Party CARTY - Party in a car GET DOWN - Party, dance GOP - Grand Old Party KPG - Keep the Party Going LFP - Looking For Party (in MMORPG) NDP - New Democratic Party P&P - Party And Play PATT - Party All The Time PNP - Party and Play PQ - Party Quest (game) RAGE - Party very hard, get wasted RAVE - A Large Dance Party SFP - Sorry for Partying SHUBZ - House party, rave TPK - Total Party Kill CPCI - Cocktail Party Chatter Indicator CPI - Cocktail Party Information ECP - Electronic Costume Party F.P. - Funny Party FP - Funny Party GPA - Great Party at AOL H.E.L.P. - Hello Everyone, Lets Party! HELP - Hello Everyone, Lets Party! IHTFP - I Have This Fabulous Party IMP - Its My Party IUP - I'm Usually Partying JP - Just Party JPT - Just Party Time MPV - Massive Party Vehicle PBP - Posting Board Party RSFP - Reserve Spot For Party RTP - Rock The Party HFTP - Here for the party SYATP - see you at the party UPW - unidentified party wound A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z