CMS Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CMS mean? Now know the meaning of CMS used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Content Management System

Meaning of CMS ?

Meaning of CMS is Content Management System .

CMS Definition

The defintion of CMS is Content Management System . .

What does CMS mean?

CMS means Content Management System .

Terms relating to CMS

BAC - Blood Alcohol Content BACS - Bankers Automated Clearing System BBS - Bulletin Board System BIOS - Basic Input Output System CMS - Content Management System CRM - Customer Relationship Management DBMS - Database Management System DLC - Downloadable Content DOS - Disk Operating System DRM - Digital Rights Management EL - Chicago's elevated rail system FSCK - File System (Consistency) Check GPS - Global Positioning System GSM - Global System for Mobile communications HACK - Break into computer systems or software HDCP - High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection HNOS - Home Network Operating System MBO - Management Buy-Out MGMT - The Management (band) MMM - Expression of pleasure or contentment MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System MSDOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System NES - Nintendo Entertainment System NTFS - New Technology File System NTSC - National Television System Committee video standard NWS - Not Work Safe - for messages/sites containing adult content OS - Operating System SCSI - Small Computer System Interface SNES - Super Nintendo Entertainment System SOAD - System Of A Down (Band) SYSOP - System Operator TOC - Table Of Contents UGC - User Generated Content UNIX - Computer operating system VHS - Video Home System VTEC - Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control System XP - Windows operating system YAWA - Person who always uses the 'Away' status in IM systems AC. - Acceptable Content AC - Acceptable Content AIRS - Automated Ip Request System BBC - Barely Believable Content BBC - Bloody Bad Content BBS - Bulletin board system BOSS - Back Office Software System CHAOS - Create Havoc Around Our System ECM - Email Campaign Management FIS - Fake Information System MBR - Management By Reclining NCF - No Content Follows A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z