CTHU Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CTHU mean? Now know the meaning of CTHU used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Crack The Hell Up Cracking The Heck Up

Meaning of CTHU ?

Meaning of CTHU is Crack The Hell Up , Cracking The Heck Up .

CTHU Definition

The defintion of CTHU is Crack The Hell Up , Cracking The Heck Up . .

What does CTHU mean?

CTHU means Crack The Hell Up , Cracking The Heck Up .

Terms relating to CTHU

CIO - Check It Out CRC - Cyclic Redundency Check CTO - Check This Out CYDM - Check Your Direct Messages CYE - Check Your Email CYM - Check Your Mail DRIVE BY - Recce, check out FSCK - File System (Consistency) Check LMC - Let Me Check MP5 - Heckler and Koch submachine gun SNC - Social Network Check WTHN - Why The Heck Not? CBL - Check Back Later CFNM - Check For New Messages CIAO - Check It All Out CIO - Check It Out CTFU - Cracking The F*** Up CTHU - Cracking The Heck Up DAFUQ - what the HECK IS WRONG WITH YOUR CRANIUM? GLH - Goes Like Heck JC - Just Checking STATS - Age/gender/location check STATS - Age/gender/location check WTHIWWY - What The Heck Is Wrong With You? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z