DDR Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does DDR mean? Now know the meaning of DDR used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Dance Dance Revolution (Game)

Meaning of DDR ?

Meaning of DDR is Dance Dance Revolution (Game) .

DDR Definition

The defintion of DDR is Dance Dance Revolution (Game) . .

What does DDR mean?

DDR means Dance Dance Revolution (Game) .

Terms relating to DDR

ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) AOK - Age of Kings (game) AOM - Age of Mythology (game) AQ - Adventure Quest (game) BF2 - Battlefield 2 (game) BOTDF - Blood On The Dance Floor (band) C&C - Command and Conquer (game) COD4 - Call Of Duty 4 (Game) COG - Coalition of Gears (game) CZ - Condition Zero (game) DDR - Dance Dance Revolution (Game) DFM - Dance Floor Makeout DOUGIE - Dance style DOW - Dawn Of War (game) EDM - Electronic Dance Music EQ - EverQuest (game) FFR - Flash Flash Revolution (game) FFX - Final Fantasy 10 (game) GET DOWN - Party, dance GMOD - Garry's Mod (Game) GOW - God of War (Game) GOW - Gears of War (Game) H3 - Halo 3 (Game) HL - Half Life (game) IAW - In Accordance With IDM - Intelligent Dance Music KOL - Kingdom Of Loathing (Game) KOTH - King of the Hill (game) KOTOR - Knights Of The Old Republic (Game) L4D - Left 4 Dead (game) L4D2 - Left 4 Dead 2 (game) MGO - Metal Gear Online (game) MGS - Metal Gear Solid (game) MTG - Magic: The Gathering (game) MW2  - Modern Warfare 2 (game) MW3 - Modern Warfare 3 (game) PG - Parental Guidance PG-13 - Parental Guidance if under 13 (movie rating) POPPING - Dance style PQ - Party Quest (game) Q1 - Quake 1 (Game) RAVE - A Large Dance Party RBG - Revolutionary But Gangsta RDR - Red Dead Redemption (Game) RPM - Revolutions Per Minute RPS - Rock Paper Scissors (game) SC - StarCraft (game) SOF - Soldier Of Fortune (Game) SSBB - Super Smash Brothers Brawl (game) SWG - Star Wars Galaxies (game) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z