Dingbat Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Dingbat mean? Now know the meaning of Dingbat used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Stupid person, idiot Apparatus Adornment

Meaning of Dingbat ?

Meaning of Dingbat is Stupid person, idiot, Apparatus, Adornment.

Dingbat Definition

The defintion of Dingbat is Stupid person, idiot, Apparatus, Adornment. .

What does Dingbat mean?

Dingbat means Stupid person, idiot, Apparatus, Adornment.

Comments having Dingbat

@__WOLE means fool, DINGBAT, etc all put together in one word. Problems, DINGBAT, Moron, are created to make us stronger. What is JACKASS? JACKASS is "DINGBAT" JACKASS Definition / JACKASS MeansThe definition of... such a sweet and DINGBAT lol it means "ur a DINGBAT" loool its an insult …

Clown is.... DINGBAT, freak, and just for laughing. [pic] — @flawlessxolivia I am a DINGBAT, who cuts his own body, really i'm not well. ;( @__WOLE means fool, DINGBAT, etc all put together in one word. Problems, DINGBAT, Moron, are created to make us stronger. What is JACKASS? JACKASS is "DINGBAT" JACKASS Definition / JACKASS MeansThe definition of... I almost missed the @TheActorsFund performance of @FullyBroadway because I thought the show started at 8 not 7! Such a Dingbat! I really want a tattoo but I don't wanna be a Dingbat and get a bad one Hey, Dingbat. #DDay doesn't stand for Donald Day - enough about your campaign, spend some time honoring those lost.… #WASPI Some people will never understand. Argued with a retired Dingbat yesterday face-to-face and he was so nasty I could have cried. George R.R. Martin oversees the plot but he doesn't write for the show you Dingbat … Apparently while I was enjoying the sun and life like people with meaningful lives often do, a Dingbat spermwaste was tweeting about me? @Darren32895836 Yes they should GO BACK you stupid Dingbat!! Stop BSing. America was NOT BUILT BY illegals!! THEY ARE DESTROYING IT Good grief. Dingbat .@SaraMurray blames the #woman for anti-Trump posters throwing an EGG at her.… ...but also more likely to make something great because he has a Vision, unlike Kenny Ortega who's just a corny Dingbat. Hello Bernie followers! Pro tip: Now is the time to have second thoughts about your man and his Dingbat ideas. @jjauthor @CNN I almost missed the @TheActorsFund performance of @FullyBroadway because I thought the show started at 8 not 7! Such a Dingbat! I really want a tattoo but I don't wanna be a Dingbat and get a bad one Hey, Dingbat. #DDay doesn't stand for Donald Day - enough about your campaign, spend some time honoring those lost.… #WASPI Some people will never understand. Argued with a retired Dingbat yesterday face-to-face and he was so nasty I could have cried. George R.R. Martin oversees the plot but he doesn't write for the show you Dingbat … Apparently while I was enjoying the sun and life like people with meaningful lives often do, a Dingbat spermwaste was tweeting about me? @Darren32895836 Yes they should GO BACK you stupid Dingbat!! Stop BSing. America was NOT BUILT BY illegals!! THEY ARE DESTROYING IT Good grief. Dingbat .@SaraMurray blames the #woman for anti-Trump posters throwing an EGG at her.… ...but also more likely to make something great because he has a Vision, unlike Kenny Ortega who's just a corny Dingbat. Hello Bernie followers! Pro tip: Now is the time to have second thoughts about your man and his Dingbat ideas. @jjauthor @CNN

What does Dingbat stand for?

Terms relating to Dingbat

Seagoing - Absurd Adornment Seagoing - Large Adornment Floss - Adornment Jazz - Adornment Fandangle - Adornment Thing - Adornment Doodad - Adornment Dingbat - Adornment