ELT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ELT mean? Now know the meaning of ELT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Every Little Thing

Meaning of ELT ?

Meaning of ELT is Every Little Thing.

ELT Definition

The defintion of ELT is Every Little Thing. .

What does ELT mean?

ELT means Every Little Thing.

Comments having ELT

LeBron James on potential of being a head coach: I couldn't be. I'll get blamed for ELT As you begin your day, be thankful for ELT in your life. You will come to realize how blessed you truly are. Number nine: if you ain’t gettin bags stay [away] from police” there is no need to go to HR about ELT. Once you find someone who makes you happy with ELT they do, it's really hard to let go of them, even for a second.. Girls are sensitive, they overthink ELT and they care way more than they should, but that’s what makes their love so strong. New Blog Post: LeBron James on one of reasons why he won't coach in future: "I'll get blamed for ELT" … Taking ELT for granted, even the people closest to us ELT i do, never seems enough for you I can't believe how sensitive this generation is. Do you really need to find the offense & negative in ELT?! Come on now!️ I'm sensitive, I over think ELT, and I care way too much.

Terms relating to ELT

*.* - Every file on a computer 1234 - 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You) 42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything 86 - Get rid of something AAT - And Another Thing ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADED - All Day Every Day AE - American Eagle (clothing) ALAP - As Late/Long/Little As Possible AMA - Ask Me Anything AMAA - Ask Me Almost Anything ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different AON - All Or Nothing AOT - Among Other Things ATYS - Anything You Say AYSOS - Are You Stupid Or Something? BDN - Busy Doing Nothing BEAST - Person/thing that is good, awesome BEASTLY - Being good at something, cool BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BLAH - Nothing to say BOGART - To Hold Onto Something For Oneself When It Is Supposed To Be Shared BOMB - Something really bad BOMB - Something really good BRONY - Fan of My Little Pony BTN - Better Than Nothing BYT - Bright Young Thing CUTE - Someone/thing that is attrative in an innocent way DAMAGE - Cost of something DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read DBT - Doing Big Things DEAR - Drop Everything And Read DLS - Dirty Little Secret DN - Doing Nothing DOWNER - Someone or something that brings the mood down DTRT - Do The Right Thing E1 - Everyone EDC - Every Day Carry ELE - Everybody Love Everybody ELF - Every Lady's Fantasy ELH - Every Little Helps EMAW - Every Man a Wildcat ETID - EveryTime I Die (band) EWBA - Everything Will Be Alright FINA - About to do (something) FOMS - Fear Of Missing Something FSAS - Famous Stars and Straps (clothing) FUBU - Clothing brand FULL MONTY - Whole way, whole thing GNE - Good Night and Everything A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z