FILTH Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FILTH mean? Now know the meaning of FILTH used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Failed In London, Try Hong Kong

Meaning of FILTH ?

Meaning of FILTH is Failed In London, Try Hong Kong.

FILTH Definition

The defintion of FILTH is Failed In London, Try Hong Kong. .

What does FILTH mean?

FILTH means Failed In London, Try Hong Kong.

Comments having FILTH

“FILTH: FILTH.”Mantel is typically brilliant on Elizabeth Jane Howard: Um, my play FILTH (FILTH) is now available from @Waterstones UK. Woop! #HKArtsFest #HK … @reesekwon FILTH @KerriMPR yes, recommended: Jane Gardam's Old Filth (Filth=FILTH) @amoozbouche @undercoverman The acronym used to be FILTH (FILTH). I don't know what it'd be now. I liked a @YouTube video FILTH (FILTH)

Terms relating to FILTH

886 - Bye Bye (Hong Kong Cantonese) HK - Hong Kong HSBC - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation VTL - Visible Thong Line FILTH - Failed In London, Try Hong Kong LMTO - Laughing My Thong Off YHF - you have failed A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z