FSHO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FSHO mean? Now know the meaning of FSHO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

For Sure

Meaning of FSHO ?

Meaning of FSHO is For Sure .

FSHO Definition

The defintion of FSHO is For Sure . .

What does FSHO mean?

FSHO means For Sure .

Terms relating to FSHO

4SHO - For Sure AAP - Always A Pleasure CLUTCH - Perform under pressure DKFS - Don't Know For Sure ENC - Enclosure EYEBALL - Estimate measurement by looking FASHO - For sure FO SHO - For Sure FO'SHIZZLE - For Sure FOSHO - For Sure FSHO - For Sure IMP - It's My Pleasure INS - I'm Not Sure JMS - Just Making Sure MHMM - Yes, sure, OK MMM - Expression of pleasure or contentment NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement PSI - Pounds per Square Inch (pressure) RCH - A very small unit of measurement SHIOK - Expression of happiness, pleasure SHIZZLE - Sure SHO - Sure URGH - Expression of annoyance, displeasure WMP - With Much Pleasure AYS%3F - Are You Sure IPD - Inducing The Pleasure Dreams ISSYGTI - I'm So Sure You Get The Idea JMS - Just Making Sure KST - Know Sure Thing MP - My Pleasure MSYHMO - Make Sure You Help Me Out RMT - Room Monster Treasure SGH - Sure Go Home SOAP - Surely Only A Prank? SR. - Sure SR - Sure USMC - u sure mom cares? USMC - You Sure Mom Cares? WASP - We Ain't Sure, Pal XAAPA - Experience All Around Pleasure Always YYSSW - Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z