GLLG Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does GLLG mean? Now know the meaning of GLLG used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Giggling Like a Little Girl

Meaning of GLLG ?

Meaning of GLLG is Giggling Like a Little Girl.

GLLG Definition

The defintion of GLLG is Giggling Like a Little Girl. .

What does GLLG mean?

GLLG means Giggling Like a Little Girl.

Comments having GLLG

I think I'm going on a date tomorrow night... a real one.& I can't stop GLLG.. Your dad asks poundland employees how much an item is and walks off GLLG I don't know if I've retweeted this before but damn It gets me GLLG … @BekeGSW you GLLG? you know kilig is up when i literally start GLLG LOL Deadpool not catching Warhead's phone I can't stop GLLG at the whole clip @deadpoolmovie @rawls You're on fire tonight! lol I'm GLLG here. I'm GLLG over ninnu saying she talk good about me, well ….it was good while it lasted When my 24-year-old coworker is shrieking/GLLG and I realize it's because she is. I've been sitting here GLLG

Terms relating to GLLG

420 FRIENDLY - Person who likes smoking pot ABG - Asian Baby Girl ALAP - As Late/Long/Little As Possible BBYG - Baby Girl BCE - Before Common Era (like BC) BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BFFLE - Best Friends For Like Ever BGF - Best Girl/Guy Friend BGL - Big Game License, likes fat people BIDDIE - Good looking girl BIDDY - Girl, woman BIMBO - Stupid girl, usually pretty BITTIE - Girl BLG - Boys Like Girls (band) BOO - Boyfriend/Girlfriend BOOMTING - Good looking girl BRE - Sexy girl BRODA - Bro Who Is Like Yoda BRONY - Fan of My Little Pony BURD - Bird, girlfriend BURE - Girl, woman BUTTER FACE - Girl who is good looking except for her face CHICK - Girl CHIO - Sexy, good looking, girl CHOOB - High level player who acts like a noob DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend DFLI - Don't Feel Like It DIG - Enjoy, like DILLIC - Does It Look Like I Care DILLIGAD - Do I Look Like I Give A Darn? DLS - Dirty Little Secret DMTA - Dirty Minds Think Alike DYL - Do You Like...? DYLM - Do You Love/Like Me? E> - Heart like <3 ELH - Every Little Helps ELI5 - Explain Like I'm 5 EX - Former girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc FBG - Fat Bottomed Girl FG - Fat Girl FLS - Flu-Like Symptoms FREEBSD - Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS) GAL - Girl GAL PAL - Man who hangs around with girls GALDEM - Group of girls GF - Girlfriend GGW - Girls Gone Wild GJWHF - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun GLAG - Giggling Like A Girl GLU - Guys/Girsl Like Us A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z