H8T0R Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does H8T0R mean? Now know the meaning of H8T0R used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of H8T0R ?

Meaning of H8T0R is hater.

H8T0R Definition

The defintion of H8T0R is hater. .

What does H8T0R mean?

H8T0R means hater.

Comments having H8T0R

Watching #GreaseLive trying not to be a H8T0R cause I love the original so much Trump the H8T0R is Now a Loser: Can the longtime Republican frontrunner -- the man who predicated his entire c... remember when that irrelevant model came for CL's looks and CL posted on ig "i could make a H8T0R famous" and the model apologized on tv J'aime bien ce titre: Trump The H8T0R Is Now A Loser … also remember to celebrate your friends accomplishments instead of being a H8T0R ho H8T0R! You messed with the wrong fandom! … Dear @realDonaldTrump, by definition you are now a loser, and after reading this, I assume, a H8T0R. Congrats you loser & H8T0R. Forget what a H8T0R say, cause they gone hate anyway Looking for revenge 2016 That was the biggest H8T0R move in have ever seen #supergirl If you hate Cam Newton, you're just a H8T0R

What does H8T0R stand for?

Terms relating to H8T0R

H8R - Hater HGH - Haters Gonna Hate H80R - hater H83R - hater H8ER - hater H8T0R - hater H8T3R - hater H8TR - hater SUTH - So use to haters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z