JAWN Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does JAWN mean? Now know the meaning of JAWN used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of JAWN ?

Meaning of JAWN is Thing.

JAWN Definition

The defintion of JAWN is Thing. .

What does JAWN mean?

JAWN means Thing.

Comments having JAWN

Misleading people into thinking I replace meals with an IV drip is the most absurd JAWN I've dealt with thus far Idk know why but I feel like a hug from Mikey would be the most comforting JAWN in the world. -H “The right JAWN to do and the hard JAWN to do are usually the same.” … This whole Insomniac/Morning person JAWN is really annoying. Don't chase people. Be you, do your own JAWN and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay. 'Equally cute' I thought it was a JAWN. Turns out it's a word I made up that no one understands. … One good JAWN. NH tends to vote the opposite of Iowa just to spite them. Iowa is 0% accurate last 12 years, NH 100%. Oh well, the best JAWN about The Iowa Caucuses is that I don't have to hear about that hayseed hyper-religious backwater for another 4 yrs. This photo of Trump and his daughter is the most awkward JAWN you'll see today: Mankad to win a crucial match by two runs and you lot are acting like that isn't the greatest JAWN ever.

What does JAWN stand for?

Terms relating to JAWN

1234 - 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You) 42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything 86 - Get rid of something AAT - And Another Thing ACME - A Company that Makes Everything AE - American Eagle (clothing) AMA - Ask Me Anything AMAA - Ask Me Almost Anything ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different AON - All Or Nothing AOT - Among Other Things ATYS - Anything You Say AYSOS - Are You Stupid Or Something? BDN - Busy Doing Nothing BEAST - Person/thing that is good, awesome BEASTLY - Being good at something, cool BLAH - Nothing to say BOGART - To Hold Onto Something For Oneself When It Is Supposed To Be Shared BOMB - Something really bad BOMB - Something really good BTN - Better Than Nothing BYT - Bright Young Thing CUTE - Someone/thing that is attrative in an innocent way DAMAGE - Cost of something DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read DBT - Doing Big Things DEAR - Drop Everything And Read DN - Doing Nothing DOWNER - Someone or something that brings the mood down DTRT - Do The Right Thing EWBA - Everything Will Be Alright FINA - About to do (something) FOMS - Fear Of Missing Something FSAS - Famous Stars and Straps (clothing) FUBU - Clothing brand FULL MONTY - Whole way, whole thing GNE - Good Night and Everything GTD - Getting Things Done HIATUS - A Pause From Something HIATUS - A Break From Something IGNTS - I've Got Nothing To Say IYBTYBA - If You Believe That, You'll Believe Anything JAWN - Thing KNOCKOUT - Stunning person or thing KOKO - Most important thing KOL - Kingdom Of Loathing (Game) LBDN - Look Busy Doing Nothing LRG - Lifted Research Group (clothing) MTA - More Than Anything MULE - Person who carries something for someone else A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z