KINDA Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does KINDA mean? Now know the meaning of KINDA used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Kind Of Kind Of

Meaning of KINDA ?

Meaning of KINDA is Kind Of, Kind Of.

KINDA Definition

The defintion of KINDA is Kind Of, Kind Of. .

What does KINDA mean?

KINDA means Kind Of, Kind Of.

Comments having KINDA

Maryland's Melo Trimble was 'KINDA shaking' when he met Stephen Curry @reckoner67 That's the KINDA motivation I need. I remember experiencing this KINDA things before. … @rubytrubes @RachaelKrishna separately together . I KINDA hope the picture exists though. Morbid curiosity. Outside of my gym smells like French toast and bacon. What KINDA sick joke is this?! Sejusa just gave that 'in your face' KINDA statement. Of he has been charged over and over so he has seen it all. #SejusaTrial @Alichat66 @MoodySlayerUK It's just so Wrong KINDA #Leave voters. Bizarre. There is only one KINDA hate... Which I know all 2 well... @stokenewington I think referring to yourself as an academic makes you the KINDA academic I'm referring to As we grow older, some KINDA pressure makes us do stupid things,I pray we don't eventually do those stupid things and regret for doing it Maryland's Melo Trimble was 'KINDA shaking' when he met Stephen Curry @reckoner67 That's the KINDA motivation I need. I remember experiencing this KINDA things before. … @rubytrubes @RachaelKrishna separately together . I KINDA hope the picture exists though. Morbid curiosity. Outside of my gym smells like French toast and bacon. What KINDA sick joke is this?! Sejusa just gave that 'in your face' KINDA statement. Of he has been charged over and over so he has seen it all. #SejusaTrial @Alichat66 @MoodySlayerUK It's just so Wrong KINDA #Leave voters. Bizarre. There is only one KINDA hate... Which I know all 2 well... @stokenewington I think referring to yourself as an academic makes you the KINDA academic I'm referring to As we grow older, some KINDA pressure makes us do stupid things,I pray we don't eventually do those stupid things and regret for doing it

What does KINDA stand for?

Terms relating to KINDA

ARK - Act of Random Kindness IKLY - I Kinda Like You KB - Kind Bud KF - Kinda Funny KINDA - Kind Of KR - Kind Regards NOKD - Not Our Kind, Dear OOAK - One Of A Kind RAK - Random Act of Kindness RAOK - Random Act Of Kindness WYK - Would You Kindly YATK - You Are Too Kind BBSK - Best Buds Since Kindergarden FYKA - For Your Kind Attention FYKI - For Your Kind Information KINDA - Kind Of KINDSA - Kinds Of KR - Kind Regards KW - Kinda Worthless OK - Off to Kinderhook OOAK - One Of A Kind OOK - One Of a Kind TYK - Thank You Kindly BOIK - Best Of Its Kind BUTTA - Cute,nice,and kind FUTK - Friends United in Truth and Kindness ITAK - It Takes All Kinds KSC - Kinda sorta chuckle MKOP - My Kind Of Place MKP - My Kind of place TKU4UK - Thank You For Your Kindness UR2K - You Are Too Kind URSKTM - You are so kind to me A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z