KIS Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does KIS mean? Now know the meaning of KIS used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Keep It Simple

Meaning of KIS ?

Meaning of KIS is Keep It Simple.

KIS Definition

The defintion of KIS is Keep It Simple. .

What does KIS mean?

KIS means Keep It Simple.

Comments having KIS

MARK CUBAN: Donald Trump has embraced, 'KIS, stupid' KIS this Valentine's Day with our limited edition giftwrap, free with your Valentine's box of chocolates #safety try not to make H&S too costly or complicated. It isnt necessary. KIS KIS it goes a long way:1. Accessories2. Fancy dress socks3. Designer briefs4. Cologne5. or shoes … Over-coaching can be more harmful than under-coaching. KIS! – John Wooden I'll KIS. I got 16 reasons why you should commit to UA. The chances of there being 17 reasons next year is likely. #RollTide Ima let you know and KIS. Your job tonight is to think of that ONE thing you must #IMPROVE ON. KIS. What is your weakness? If you fully understand and can explain it simply, great. But saying "KIS" is often a copout for coaches who don't get it. Just a note, many firms dislike fancy resumes, because it disturbs their attention to key details. KIS yet impactful.

What does KIS stand for?

Terms relating to KIS

AKTF - Always Keep the Faith ASAT - As Simple As That HSV2 - Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IKYP - I'll Keep You Posted KAFM - Keep Away From Me KCACO - Keep Calm And Carry On KCCO - Keep Calm and Chive On KIG - Keep It Gangsta KIM - Keep It Moving KIR - Keepin' It Real KIRF - Keeping It Real Fake KIS - Keep It Simple KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid KIT - Keep In Touch KIU - Keep It Up KIV - Keep In View KM - Keep Mum KMFC - Keeping My Fingers Crossed KMP - Keep Me Posted KMU - Keep Me Updated KPC - Keep Parents Clueless KPG - Keep the Party Going KRO - Keep Right On KTBSPA - Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive KTF - Keep The Faith KUTGW - Keep Up The Good Work KYFC - Keep Your Fingers Crossed KYP - Keep You Posted PKIT - Please Keep In Touch RKBA - Right to Keep and Bear Arms RSS - Really Simple Syndication SHM - Simple Harmonic Motion SKU - Stock Keeping Unit SMOP - Simple Matter Of Programming SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol WKYP - Will Keep You Posted ASAT - As Simple As That HITAKS - Hang In There And Keep Smiling INS - It's Never Simple IS. - It's Simple IS - It's Simple K.C. - Keep Cool KC - Keep Cool KD - Keep Dreaming KIR - Keep It Real KISS - Keep It Simple And Short KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid KISS - Keep It Simple Silly KISS - Keep It Simple and Short KISS - Keeping It Short And Simple A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z