KMB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does KMB mean? Now know the meaning of KMB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Kiss Me Baby

Meaning of KMB ?

Meaning of KMB is Kiss Me Baby.

KMB Definition

The defintion of KMB is Kiss Me Baby. .

What does KMB mean?

KMB means Kiss Me Baby.

Comments having KMB

KMB now just like thatttt Love it when you KMB. #mfs @princeyoyo95_ i just wanna fall' in love KMB? Listen baby, Come dance with me, KMB, one, two. Listen baby, Come dance with me, KMB, one, two, one, two, three, four @CuckoldHusband1 KMB … @alaura2015 @hortkoff3 @oln_9 @AfterEight13 @AhsonShah2 @Tc_Gece @SiscoMGWV @MGWV1OO @Dollhouse @AdryMMP @alanaty2 @8na16 KMB wooow  ̄ ̄I wanna see you Hole me babySmile me baby Say love meI wanna see you KMBCall my name.oh Say love me ̄ ̄ Come and KMB, we don't need no mistletoe dont KMB you can kiss my chain Shh! KMB (The Untold Story of Mary Jane) Chapter 1 #amreading

Terms relating to KMB

(K) - Kiss (MSN) 8* - Kiss :* - Kiss :-* - Kiss =* - Kiss ABG - Asian Baby Girl BAE - Baby BAIRN - Child, baby BAY - Baby BBY - Baby BBYG - Baby Girl BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BESO - Kiss (Spanish) BESOS - Kisses (Spanish) BFK - Big Fat Kiss BG - Baby Gangster BISOU - Kiss (French) BMAK - Blow Me A Kiss H&K - Hugs and Kisses HAK - Hugs And Kisses HNK - Hugs and Kisses IITYWTMWYKM - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? ILYSMB - I Love You So Much Baby KMT - Kiss My Teeth KOD - Kiss Of Death KOTC - Kiss On The Cheek KOTL - Kiss On The Lips LAK - Love And Kisses LHK - Love, Hugs and Kisses LIPSING - Kissing LNK - Love And Kisses LOLAK - Lots Of Love And Kisses MAMI - Sexy, Baby MAUH - Kiss MUAH - The sound of giving a kiss MUAHZ - Kisses MWA - Kiss MWAH - Kiss MWHA - Kiss NBK - Never Been Kissed OBBY - Oh, Baby PWEASE - Babyish form of Please SBJ - Sweet Baby Jesus SMOOCH - Kiss SNOG - Kiss SWAK - Sealed With A Kiss SWALK - Sealed With A Loving Kiss WIKTT - When I Kissed the Teacher WLYB - Who Loves You Baby X - Kiss A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z