KOTH Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does KOTH mean? Now know the meaning of KOTH used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

King of the Hill (game)

Meaning of KOTH ?

Meaning of KOTH is King of the Hill (game) .

KOTH Definition

The defintion of KOTH is King of the Hill (game) . .

What does KOTH mean?

KOTH means King of the Hill (game) .

Terms relating to KOTH

>_> - Looking left, shifty look 10 - Perfect looking woman 42114 - April 20th, WEED smoking day 420 FRIENDLY - Person who likes smoking pot 6_6 - Looking down 823 - Thinking Of You :-P - Emoticon Of Someone Sticking Their Tongue Out :9 - Yum, licking :P - Sticking tongue out :Q - Smoking ;O - Joking ;P - Winking and sticking tongue out =P - Sticking tongue out AAK - Alive And Kicking ALKQN - Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation AOK - Age of Kings (game) AOM - Age of Mythology (game) AQ - Adventure Quest (game) ATOY - Always Thinking of you B&E - Breaking And Entering BAMA - Person lacking style BEBO - A social networking site BF2 - Battlefield 2 (game) BIDDIE - Good looking girl BK - Burger King BLAZING - Smoking weed BOGSAT - Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking BONG - Water pipe for smoking dope BOOMTING - Good looking girl BUFF - Good Looking BUTTER FACE - Girl who is good looking except for her face C&C - Command and Conquer (game) CHILAXING - Chilling and relaxing CHILL OUT - same as CHILL CHILLAX - Chill and relax CHIO - Sexy, good looking, girl CHIZZ - Chill out, relax CHONG - Good looking, attractive, cute CHOONG - Good looking, buff CHOUT - Chill Out CHUNG - Good looking, buff COCKY - Thinking too highly of yourself COD4 - Call Of Duty 4 (Game) COG - Coalition of Gears (game) COOLIN - same as CHILLing COTCH - Relax, chill COUGAR - Older woman looking for a younger man COUGER - Older woman looking for a younger man CRAIC - Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish) CZ - Condition Zero (game) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z