LABATYD Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LABATYD mean? Now know the meaning of LABATYD used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Life's A B***h And Then You Die

Meaning of LABATYD ?

Meaning of LABATYD is Life's A B***h And Then You Die.

LABATYD Definition

The defintion of LABATYD is Life's A B***h And Then You Die. .

What does LABATYD mean?

LABATYD means Life's A B***h And Then You Die.

Comments having LABATYD

LABATYD -my mom Just completed a Final Destination marathon.... Great movies. LABATYD. Any Questions? “@ArtistiKAlyuniq: I'm super honest....No time to play games or lie” because LABATYD My Memaw just looked at me and said "LABATYD" what LABATYD, snakes still surround your grave, ghost town.....#PLK....What a bloody line!!!! Sometimes it feels there is no justice in this world! LABATYD.

What does LABATYD stand for?

Terms relating to LABATYD

BTA - But Then Again.... COA - Certificate Of Authenticity DEN - Then LNF - Life's Not Fair SALTS - Smiled A Little Then Stopped THN - Then BT.A - But Then Again BTA - But Then Again BTA - But Then Again ICTYBTIHTKY - I Could Tell You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You 13ITCH - b***h 81TC# - b***h BTAICBW - But Then Again I could Be Wrong DBAB - don't be a b***h DUMBEST - Not smart then others ENAT - every now and then HBIC - head b***h in charge IFTTT - if this then that ILYBTID - I Love You But Then I Don't LABATYD - Life's A B***h And Then You Die LASB - Lame a** Stupid b***h LLAB - Laughing like a b***h. NIGYSOB - now I've got you son of a b***h NVMDT - never mind then RWB - Rich White b***h S.O.A.B. - son of a b***h S.O.B. - son of a b***h SMDB - suck my d**k b***h SOAFB - son of a f**king b***h SSOB - stupid sons of b***hes STFUB - shut the f**k up b***h STFUYB - shut the f**k up you b***h STFUYSOAB - shut the f**k up you son of a b***h UFAB - ugly fat a** b***h UGBA - you gay b***h a** URAFB - you are a f**king b***h URSAB - you are such a b***h UYAB - up your a** b***h WCTYBTWHTKY - We Could Tell You, But Then We'd Have To Kill You WTN - What Then Now Who Then Now YSOAB - You son of a b***h A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z