LBDAS Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LBDAS mean? Now know the meaning of LBDAS used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Laughing But Dead Ass Serious

Meaning of LBDAS ?

Meaning of LBDAS is Laughing But Dead Ass Serious.

LBDAS Definition

The defintion of LBDAS is Laughing But Dead Ass Serious. .

What does LBDAS mean?

LBDAS means Laughing But Dead Ass Serious.

Comments having LBDAS

My New Years resolution is to get my body like Drayas LBDAS . I told that boy I'm waiting on that boy to flat line so they can get they share I'm LBDAS Bria the funniest cause she LBDAS tho be hoeing herself I'm about to GLO TF up! Shit gone be crazy it's gone be like I'm rich LBDAS Arguing is funny af. I be hard down LBDAS Have u ever been LBDAS Bruhhhh I'm finna talk so bad to oomf I'm not even playing LBDAS Who wants to move to North Carolina when I turn 18?!? LBDAS!!!! @0_YourAddiction DO NOT FALL FOR IT , I REPEAT , DO NOT FALL FOR IT IM LBDAS @Bigggg_Shawn I'm LBDAS cousin

Terms relating to LBDAS

(S) - Seriously +_+ - Dead man 4SRS - For Serious? :-D - Laughing :L - Laughing AFS - Always, Forever and Seriously ALOL - Actually Laughing Out Loud AUS - Are You Serious? AYS - Are You Serious? BAGL - Bust A Gut Laughing BDU - Brain Dead User BROWN BREAD - Dead BSF - But Seriously Folks BST - But Seriously Though CACTUS - Broken, dead CBLTH - Can't Breathe Laughing Too Hard CDC - Cult of the Dead Cow CEREAL - Serious CREASING - Laughing CSL - Can't stop laughing D2M - Dead to Me DDG - Drop Dead Gorgeous DEAD ASS - Serious DED - Dead from joy, hilarity etc DFE - Dead Fish Experience DMW - Dead Man Walking DOA - Dead On Arrival DOFL - Dying On Floor Laughing DRT - Dead Right There DTM - Dead To Me FOCL - Falling Off Chair Laughing FOFL - Falling On Floor Laughing FOMCL - Falling Off My Chair Laughing HAFL - Heart Attack From Laughing HEAVY - Serious, intense HU - Hollywood Undead (Band) IAL - I Ain't Laughing ICSL - I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing KML - Killing Myself Laughing KMSL - Killing Myself Laughing L2MS - Laughing To Myself L4D - Left 4 Dead (game) L4D2 - Left 4 Dead 2 (game) LAL - Laughing A Lot/Little LALB - Laughing A Little Bit LATE - Dead LATM - Laughing At The Moment LAU - Laughing At You LBS - Laughing But Serious LBVS - Laughing But Very Serious A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z