LCW Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LCW mean? Now know the meaning of LCW used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Local Closed World

Meaning of LCW ?

Meaning of LCW is Local Closed World.

LCW Definition

The defintion of LCW is Local Closed World. .

What does LCW mean?

LCW means Local Closed World.

Comments having LCW

Closed World Assumption.OWALCW reasoning (TrOWL) … #jist2012 #jist2011 tutorial: LCW Reasoning with OWL 2 (Jeff Z. Pan, University of Aberdeen) … #semtechbiz LCW reasoning with NBox needed for recommendations and guidance services in SW Enabled SE Accepted for ISWC 2011 Research Track: Kunal Sengupta, Adila Alfa Krisnadhi and Pascal Hitzler. LCW... via @jpansw #TrOWL LCW #reasoning << never made it to OWL, now in TrOWL v0.7, very interesting! @gothwin In a word: No...This is only closed world validation, not inference. We will likely add support for "LCW" this year.

Terms relating to LCW

BCD - Behind Closed Doors BFITW - Best Friend In The World BITW - Best In The World CCTV - Closed-Circuit Television CLOUD - The Internet (non-local storage, software etc) CUG - Closed User Group DUB DUB DUB - WWW, World Wide Web EOTW - End Of The World EOTWAWKI - End Of The World As We Know It GWR - Guinness World Records LAN - Local Area Network LEC - Local Exchange Carrier LOCAL - Local public house, bar NOTW - Not Of This World NWO - New World Order OOTW - Out Of This World OWK - Other World Kingdom ROW - Rest Of the World RTW - Round The World TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It TGAL - Think Globally, Act Locally TROTW - The Rest Of The World UMTWTM - You Mean The World To Me VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network W3C - World Wide Web Consortium WCG - World Cyber Games WCW - World Championship Wrestling WEB - World wide web, internet WHO - World Health Organization WIC - World in Conflict (game) WITW - What In The World WOW - World Of Warcraft WPWW - White Pride World Wide WTC - World Trade Center WTMW - Welcome To My World WTO - World Trade Organization WW1 - World War One WW2 - World War Two WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment WWF - World Wildlife Fund WWF - World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) WWW - World Wide Web BFITWW - Best Friend In The Whole World BFITWWW - Best Friend In The Whole Wide World CWC - Compressed Worlds Chat EOTWAWKI - End Of The World As We Know It FLAPS - 'Favorite Local Auto Parts Store' GBCW - Good Bye Cruel World HMPH - A sound, usually made with a closed mouth, indicating annoyance, indignation, or sighing LCW - Local Closed World A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z