LJBF Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LJBF mean? Now know the meaning of LJBF used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Let's Just Be Friends

Meaning of LJBF ?

Meaning of LJBF is Let's Just Be Friends.

LJBF Definition

The defintion of LJBF is Let's Just Be Friends. .

What does LJBF mean?

LJBF means Let's Just Be Friends.

Comments having LJBF

We were never friends to begin with so this "LJBF" thing will sadly NEVER work Getting to the age were I can't actually be bothered arguing with anyone, LJBF n move on GRANDMA: are you dating anyone lately?ME: sorry grandma I'm not interested in youGRAN: I meant--ME: look LJBF alright Just when you think you're getting close an #Aquarius hits you with the LJBF. Extraterrestrial, running over pedestrians. In a space ship while they screaming at me: "LJBF!" Man I don't understand why females say "LJBF" like I didn't ask for a friendship smh get your stuff together for real One life, one chance.The past is practice.To thyself be true.Always wear a condom.LJBF.Take your pick. #MyLast4Words If I don't personally know you but we always favoriting each others tweets LJBF "LJBF" "LJBF" never works cause there's just too much sexual tension after being with someone.

Terms relating to LJBF

BF4L - Best Friends For Life BFA - Best Friends Always BFF - Best Friends Forever BFFAE - Best Friends Forever And Ever BFFAE - Best Friends For All Eternity BFFE - Best Friends Forever BFFLE - Best Friends For Like Ever BFFLTDDUP - Best Friends For Life Till Death Do Us Part BFUT - Best Friends Until Tomorrow BREDRINS - Close friends, brothers CLIQUE - Group of friends DING - Just hit new level in RPG DYJHIW - Don't You Just Hate It When... FELLAS - Close friends FGJ - For Great Justice FHO - Friends Hanging Out FIG JAM - F*** I'm Good Just Ask Me FSU - Friends Stand United GJWHF - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun GOLD DIGGER - Person who loves someone just for their money HJNTIY - He's Just Not That Into You HOMIES - Group Of Close Friends IFF - Internet Friends Forever IJAF - It's Just A Fact IJDK - I Just Don't Know IJG - I Just Giggled IJK - I'm Just kidding IJL - I Just Laughed IJS - I'm Just Saying IJWTK - I Just Want To Know IJWTS - I Just Want To Say J2LUK - Just To Let You Know J2LYK - Just To Let You Know J4F - Just For Fun J4L - Just for Laughs JAF - Just A Friend JAFA - Just Another F***ing Aucklander JAM - Just A Minute. JAPAN - Just Always Pray At Night JAS - Just A Second JAT - Just A Thought JATQ - Just Answer The Question JBH - Just Being Honest JBU - Just Between Us JBY - Just Be Yourself JC - Just Curious JC - Just Chilling JDI - Just Do It JDLR - Just Doesn't Look Right JFF - Just For Fun A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z