LMHO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LMHO mean? Now know the meaning of LMHO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Laughing My Head Off Laughing My Head Off Laugh My Head Off

Meaning of LMHO ?

Meaning of LMHO is Laughing My Head Off, Laughing My Head Off, Laugh My Head Off.

LMHO Definition

The defintion of LMHO is Laughing My Head Off, Laughing My Head Off, Laugh My Head Off. .

What does LMHO mean?

LMHO means Laughing My Head Off, Laughing My Head Off, Laugh My Head Off.

Comments having LMHO

Hahahahahaha TIFFANY! Im LMHO! Bless Darren awwwwww Hahaha poor Blanche - LMHO. #9GreaseLive LMHO at 9:12 pm then crying my eyes out at 9:13 pm. If that doesn't explain college, I don't know what does. Actually LMHO at #Oafc having a melt down @BeingBoycie @BenidormTVshow fab singing been LMHO

@Iromg LMHO at the wife. She just said "theres a gunmun on silent witness" Normally don't like see players getting the boot from clubs but LMHO that Kane Ferdinand has been released. Now This is Something That I am LMHO :))))Very Funny indeed :D … #twip LOL Joan is delusional beyond belief! I'm LMHO. Next she'll be telling that she met a woman with 2 cartons of milk keep thinking about things from last night n LMHO ahaha Hahahahahaha TIFFANY! Im LMHO! Bless Darren awwwwww Hahaha poor Blanche - LMHO. #9GreaseLive LMHO at 9:12 pm then crying my eyes out at 9:13 pm. If that doesn't explain college, I don't know what does. Actually LMHO at #Oafc having a melt down @BeingBoycie @BenidormTVshow fab singing been LMHO @Iromg LMHO at the wife. She just said "theres a gunmun on silent witness" Normally don't like see players getting the boot from clubs but LMHO that Kane Ferdinand has been released. Now This is Something That I am LMHO :))))Very Funny indeed :D … #twip LOL Joan is delusional beyond belief! I'm LMHO. Next she'll be telling that she met a woman with 2 cartons of milk keep thinking about things from last night n LMHO ahaha @BBCLancsSport @LizAshton5 hey I didn't say you were terrible. It made me LMHO. Comedy genius! @RealJamesArgent I actually LMHO when you laugh @SugarFreeFarm I would actually LMHO if we signed someone and Klopp was just winding us up. I know it is a long shot but he's that crazy lol Cringe%2BLMHO about sat night. Every possible dance move came out of the bag @Shaunastarr1996 @Estherwilliams_ @JessieKendall_ I always forget that my message about your bias being on the toilet gets sent to all my followers and LMHO when someone replies I used to LMHO at Wogans Eurovision commentary, enjoyed his sarky wit. RIP #wogan LolI LMHO watch UZI run in the fieldUZI looks good when batting tho … @ShirishKunder Hahah.Wake up and read your Tweets and LMHO. Best way to wake up. Thanks for that This still make me LMHO!!

What does LMHO stand for?

Terms relating to LMHO

/O\ - Frustrated, hands on head :-D - Laughing :L - Laughing ALOL - Actually Laughing Out Loud ALPHA - Head person of a group ALWP - Actual Laughter Was Produced AOS - Ahead Of Schedule ARF - Laugh BAGL - Bust A Gut Laughing BAHAHA - Evil laugh BBR - Blonde, Brunette, Redhead BH - Big Head