LSFW Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does LSFW mean? Now know the meaning of LSFW used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Less Safe For Work

Meaning of LSFW ?

Meaning of LSFW is Less Safe For Work.

LSFW Definition

The defintion of LSFW is Less Safe For Work. .

What does LSFW mean?

LSFW means Less Safe For Work.

Comments having LSFW

@Empowlr @MontanaGent I was just responding to the "lick there own" comment, anything LSFW I'm unaware of. That almost autocorrected to something far different and way LSFW. Doodlin LSFW stuff with my own killsona to see if I hate it @F365 your site is becoming less and LSFW due to the click bait and it isn't based on browsing history!! On this PC at least. Home Alone returns. And it's darker, and LSFW. … @krisp131 the synonyms were a little LSFW. It could be showing different, LSFW videos, so there's that at least @joshacagan My personal favorite is a lot LSFW, and starts with "mother-----" @enemyfriendly5 I'm not looking at her brains. I'm looking at something a little LSFW. //Dddddd, I want to make an account for LSFW RPs, but force of habit will make me lock the Twitter and that defeats the [c]

Terms relating to LSFW

... - Speechless .NET - Top level domain originally for network providers 3G - Third Generation mobile phone network 404 - Clueless :& - Tongue tied, speechless ADMIN - Administrator on forum, network etc ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (early internet) AUP - Another Useless Post AWNP - All Work, No Play B2W - Back To Work BEBO - A social networking site BHH - Bless His/Her Heart BML - Bless My Life BMW - Bavarian Motor Works (car manufacturer) BSTS - Better Safe Than Sorry BVM - Blessed Virgin Mary CCIE - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert CCL - Couldn't Care Less CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate CNN - Cable News Network CYB - Count Your Blessings DAW - Digital Audio Workstation DDOS - Distributed Denial of Service (network attack) DWTH - Don't Work Too Hard ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network EVVK - Couldn't Care Less (Finnish) FICCL - Frankly, I Couldn't Care Less GBA - God Bless America GBTW - Get Back To Work GBU - God Bless You GBY - God Bless You GORM - Gormless person GRULE - Hard work, nuisance GTW - Got To Work GW - Good Work HI5 - Social networking site HMWK - Homework HNOS - Home Network Operating System HOBO - Itinerant worker HW - Homework HWK - Homework ICCL - I Couldn't Care Less ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network JANK - Worthless, useless KPC - Keep Parents Clueless KUTGW - Keep Up The Good Work LAN - Local Area Network LFW - Looking For Work LTMA - Less Talk, More Action MERP - Meaningless word for when you don't know what else to say A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z