MANDEM Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MANDEM mean? Now know the meaning of MANDEM used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Group of men, boys

Meaning of MANDEM ?

Meaning of MANDEM is Group of men, boys.

MANDEM Definition

The defintion of MANDEM is Group of men, boys. .

What does MANDEM mean?

MANDEM means Group of men, boys.

Comments having MANDEM

Referred to shoal of fish and herds and all. Only for them to walk by and say if girls feel threatened by a MANDEM do too

What does MANDEM stand for?

Terms relating to MANDEM

ALPHA - Head person of a group AMOG - Alpha Male Of Group BLG - Boys Like Girls (band) BSB - Backstreet Boys CLIQUE - Group of friends CUG - Closed User Group CWB - Crazy White Boys GALDEM - Group of girls GLF - Group Looking For GRENADE - Ugly girl in a group GYALDEM - Group of girls HOG - Harley Owner Group HOMIES - Group Of Close Friends JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group LFG - Looking For Group LRG - Lifted Research Group (clothing) MANDEM - Group of men, boys MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group PEERS - People in the same group, equals in age, background etc POMO - A Group Of Native American People In California PUG - Pick Up Group SNSD - Sho Nyo Shi Dae (Girl's Generation) Korean girl group SPG - Special Patrol Group WIC - Women, Infants and Children WMG - Warner Music Group BOMBAY - Beware Of Many Boys AroundYou CWB - Crazy White Boys DG - Discussion Groups DG - Discussion Group DMG - Daily Mail Group EDGE - Endtime Discussion Group Exchange FBI - Find Boys Immediately G.M. - Group Message GD - Group Deal GM. - Group Message GM - Group Message GO. - Groups Online GO - Groups Online GOB - Girls On Boys HUG - Harlequin User Group IDG - Internet Discussion Group MOGA - Most Outrageous Group Activity MUG - Multi User Groups PIG - Python Interest Group PING - Posted In News Group RUG - Regional User Group SIG - Sorority Interest Group SNUH - Silly Newsgroup Utter Hysteria TDG - Threaded Discussion Group TGIF - This Group Is Freaky A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z