MARC Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MARC mean? Now know the meaning of MARC used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

A common first name for men An alternative spelling of the name "Mark"

Meaning of MARC ?

Meaning of MARC is A common first name for men, An alternative spelling of the name "Mark".

MARC Definition

The defintion of MARC is A common first name for men, An alternative spelling of the name "Mark". .

What does MARC mean?

MARC means A common first name for men, An alternative spelling of the name "Mark".

Comments having MARC

Her first names sounds like she could be a Marx Brother while her last name is MARC,She... Jong-un is MARC and women in S Korea but in the North there's only one Jong-un allowed: @NextPointEvent Salim is not MARC but a common surname or last name. The Mongols call themselves Mangal, and it is also MARC in Mongolia. Benjamin is MARC (#66 out of 1220)

What does MARC stand for?

Terms relating to MARC