MSYHMO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MSYHMO mean? Now know the meaning of MSYHMO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Make Sure You Help Me Out

Meaning of MSYHMO ?

Meaning of MSYHMO is Make Sure You Help Me Out .

MSYHMO Definition

The defintion of MSYHMO is Make Sure You Help Me Out . .

What does MSYHMO mean?

MSYHMO means Make Sure You Help Me Out .

Terms relating to MSYHMO

4SHO - For Sure AAP - Always A Pleasure ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADEROL - Drug that helps you focus ATI - Array Technology Inc. (graphics card maker) CIHY - Can I Help You? CLUTCH - Perform under pressure CREEPER - Someone who views your profile but doesn't make contact DFM - Dance Floor Makeout DKFS - Don't Know For Sure DMAF - Don't Make A Fuss DMML - Don't Make Me Laugh DTMS - Does That Make Sense? ELH - Every Little Helps ENC - Enclosure EYEBALL - Estimate measurement by looking FASHO - For sure FO SHO - For Sure FO'SHIZZLE - For Sure FOSHO - For Sure FSHO - For Sure GAMMD - Go Ahead Make My Day GHM - God Help Me GTBOSH - Glad To Be Of Some Help H/U - Hook Up, make out HALP - Help HMIHY - How May I Help You? HMP - Help Me, Please HTH - Hope That Helps IMP - It's My Pleasure INS - I'm Not Sure JMS - Just Making Sure LHM - Lord Help Me LMAD - Let's Make A Deal M/O - Make Out M2D - Make my day MHMM - Yes, sure, OK MIGA - Make It Go Away MIH - Make It Happen MMAO - Make Me An Offer MMD - Make My Day MMM - Expression of pleasure or contentment MMT - Makes Me Think MOTWYW - Make Of That What You Will MUA - Make-Up Alley (website) MYCH - Maybe You Can Help MYMP - Make Your Mama Proud NCMO - Non-Committal Make Out NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement POCKET DIAL - Accidentally make a call with the phone in your pocket A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z