MUVM Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MUVM mean? Now know the meaning of MUVM used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Miss You Very Much

Meaning of MUVM ?

Meaning of MUVM is Miss You Very Much.

MUVM Definition

The defintion of MUVM is Miss You Very Much. .

What does MUVM mean?

MUVM means Miss You Very Much.

Comments having MUVM

We will all MUVM dear Terry Wogan. Thanks for the joy you bought us x Dear baseball,I love and MUVM.I'm coming soon though. See you soon, Love Vinny One year ago heaven gained one beautiful angel a perfect mother, coach, and close friend. We love you Susan MUVM Come back safely

I MUVM @24K_7S @24K_JinHong @24k_LIANGHUI @24K_coreeya @24K_BIGONE @24k_Uk I miss @24K_SungO#24K#24U

What does MUVM stand for?

Terms relating to MUVM