MWAHUGZ Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MWAHUGZ mean? Now know the meaning of MWAHUGZ used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Kisses and hugs

Meaning of MWAHUGZ ?

Meaning of MWAHUGZ is Kisses and hugs.

MWAHUGZ Definition

The defintion of MWAHUGZ is Kisses and hugs. .

What does MWAHUGZ mean?

MWAHUGZ means Kisses and hugs.

Comments having MWAHUGZ

..sweet dreams everybody...thanks for everything..good night and good luck..see you within few hours..God bless you...MWAHUGZ... Les mando besos y abrazos!!Sending u guys MWAHUGZ!!MONDAY!!!! %2BCALLING ALL ANGELS%2B MWAHUGZ NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Can you please hold me? If not in your arms. IN YOUR HEART … And the fires inside of you; how much water and MWAHUGZ does it take to put them off? The hugest MWAHUGZ to the @British_Airways pilot who just landed the plane my husband was on when the landing gear failed. #thankyou I can't be there so you should!!! @ToraGinYT is #liveonteampanda playing some @Diablo so go smother him with MWAHUGZ and stuff ♡♡♡♡♡ Being single is great, but I miss cuddling, movie nights and date nights and MWAHUGZ, sleepovers I just want to be showered with MWAHUGZ until I die ..sweet dreams everybody...thanks for everything..good night and good luck..see you within few hours..God bless you...MWAHUGZ... Les mando besos y abrazos!!Sending u guys MWAHUGZ!!MONDAY!!!!

Terms relating to MWAHUGZ

BESITOS - Little kisses (Spanish) BESOS - Kisses (Spanish) H&K - Hugs and Kisses HAK - Hugs And Kisses HNK - Hugs and Kisses LAK - Love And Kisses LHK - Love, Hugs and Kisses LNK - Love And Kisses LOLAK - Lots Of Love And Kisses MUAHZ - Kisses XO - Hugs & Kisses XOX - Hugs & Kisses XOXO - Hugs & Kisses XOXOXO - Hugs and Kisses XX - Kisses XXX - Kisses HAK - Hugs And Kissess HFB - Hugs From Behind HK - Hugs Kisses HNK - Hugs N Kisses LAK - Love And Kisses LHK - Love Hugs & Kisses LKHM - Love Kisses Hugs Misses LUXO - Love You, Kisses and Hugs TTYLXOX - Talk to you Later, Kisses-Hugs-Kisses TTYLXOX - Talk To You Later, Kisses and Hugs TTYLXOX - Talk 2 u later. Hugs kisses hugs. XO - Kisses and Hugs XOX - kisses and hugs ( x - kisses o - hugs ) XOXO - Hugs and Kisses XOXOX - Hugs and Kisses XOXOZZZ - Hugs, kisses, sweet dreams XXO - Kiss and Hugs XXXX - Symbolizing kisses at the end of written communications, similar to "XOXO". DHU - Dinosaur hugs H+K - hugs and kisses HUGZ - hugs KAH - kisses and hugs LNH - Love and hugs LOLHK - Lots of love, hugs and kisses MWAHUGZ - Kisses and hugs A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z