NETIQUETTE Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does NETIQUETTE mean? Now know the meaning of NETIQUETTE used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Etiquette on the internet

Meaning of NETIQUETTE ?

Meaning of NETIQUETTE is Etiquette on the internet .


The defintion of NETIQUETTE is Etiquette on the internet . .

What does NETIQUETTE mean?

NETIQUETTE means Etiquette on the internet .

Terms relating to NETIQUETTE

4CHAN - Internet message/image board ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency (made early internet) ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (early internet) BIFFL - Best Internet Friend For Life CCIE - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert CLOUD - The Internet (non-local storage, software etc) FLAME - Insult someone over the internet GOOGLE - An Internet Search Engine ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol IE - Internet Explorer IFF - Internet Friends Forever IIS - Internet Information Services IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol IMDB - Internet Movie Database IMGUR - An Internet Image Sharing Website IP - Internet Protocol IPA - Internet Protocol Address IPSEC - Internet Protocol Security IRC - Internet Relay Chat IRCOP - Internet Relay Chat Operator ISCSI - Internet SCSI ISP - Internet Service Provider IWC - Internet Wrestling Community LAG - Slow response (computer, internet) LD - Link Dead (Disconnection From Internet) MAPOTI - Most Annoying People On The Internet MID - Mobile Internet Device MISO - My Internet Shut Off NET - Internet NETIQUETTE - Etiquette on the internet PING - Send a packet to a computer and wait for its return (Packet INternet Groper) SIFS - Secret Internet Fatties SIWOTI - Someone Is Wrong On The Internet SKYPE - Internet telephone TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TGFI - Thank God For the Internet URL - Uniform Resource Locator, internet address VENT - Ventrilo (internet chat program) VOIP - Voice Over IP - internet telephony WEB - World wide web, internet WIFI - Wireless Fidelity, wireless internet AIA - Active Internet Addicts FOSIC - Friends Of Stars Internet Club I.E. - Internet Empire IB - Internet Boyfriend ICQ - Internet Chat Query IDB - Internet Douche Bag IDG - Internet Discussion Group IDWIMIE - It Doesn't Work In Microsoft Internet Explorer IE - Internet Empire A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z