NUF Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does NUF mean? Now know the meaning of NUF used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Enough Nothing Enough

Meaning of NUF ?

Meaning of NUF is Enough, Nothing, Enough.

NUF Definition

The defintion of NUF is Enough, Nothing, Enough. .

What does NUF mean?

NUF means Enough, Nothing, Enough.

Comments having NUF

This is our country, and it's time we took it back from the billionaire class. Today, we come together to say, "NUF is NUF." Nintendo's profit slump shows the NX can't come soon NUF … If you can't get someone off your mind - pray for them - you may be the only one that cares NUF to do so. you can drink too much and forget the night before, but i've learned you can never drink NUF to forget the people you’ve loved and lost. RM: "John Stones has played a lot of football and he is strong NUF to handle scrutiny. He is growing through his experiences." #EFCvNEW

I hate feeling like I'm not good NUF for the person I like. I don’t ask for much, loyalty is good NUF. "Dear God, I can never thank you NUF for all you have given me. Thank you for continuing to bless me." We just can't get NUF of this magnificent new @SamFeldtMusic tune! … Been buying black shirts for 2 weeks already hahaha but you can never have NUF black shirts NUF can stop TD. #KeepPounding #SB50 More from today's practice » Too many of our 'charities' are NUF of the sort Don't lose hope. When you are down to NUF, God is up to something. Keep your faith strong. I hope next year is NUF like this one. Happiness is a choice, not a result. NUF will make you happy until you choose to be happy. There is NUF more important than your relationship with God. I have NUF against Iowa and I'll defend to the death their right to ALWAYS BE WRONG! I'm going to smile like NUF is wrong, talk like everything is perfect, act like it's all a dream, and pretend like it's not hurting me. Can't wait to receive NUF on Valentine's Day NUF is sexier than someone who's down for you and only you and shows you that without hesitation This is our country, and it's time we took it back from the billionaire class. Today, we come together to say, "NUF is NUF." Nintendo's profit slump shows the NX can't come soon NUF … If you can't get someone off your mind - pray for them - you may be the only one that cares NUF to do so. you can drink too much and forget the night before, but i've learned you can never drink NUF to forget the people you’ve loved and lost. RM: "John Stones has played a lot of football and he is strong NUF to handle scrutiny. He is growing through his experiences." #EFCvNEW I hate feeling like I'm not good NUF for the person I like. I don’t ask for much, loyalty is good NUF. "Dear God, I can never thank you NUF for all you have given me. Thank you for continuing to bless me." We just can't get NUF of this magnificent new @SamFeldtMusic tune! … Been buying black shirts for 2 weeks already hahaha but you can never have NUF black shirts

What does NUF stand for?

Terms relating to NUF

5EVER - Because Forever Isn't Long Enough EIE - Enough Is Enough FE - Fair Enough NEI - Not Enough Information NUF - Enough NUFF - Enough JAE - Just Ain't Enough LIMHBIWFETLOL - Laughing In My Head Because It Wasn't Funny Enough To Laugh Out Loud MINE - More Is Never Enough NUF - Enough ENOF - enough ENUF - Enough