OB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does OB mean? Now know the meaning of OB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Oh, Brother Odd Ball Old Buddy Obnoxious Because

Meaning of OB ?

Meaning of OB is Oh, Brother, Odd Ball, Old Buddy, Obnoxious Because.

OB Definition

The defintion of OB is Oh, Brother, Odd Ball, Old Buddy, Obnoxious Because. .

What does OB mean?

OB means Oh, Brother, Odd Ball, Old Buddy, Obnoxious Because.

Comments having OB

"Hey Scully""Yes?""I love you.""OB."HE SAID I LOVE YOU #ashwatchesxfiles I'm beginning to really think Ben is an OB. I've thought this for a while now. Erratic behavior, terrible campaign. Staff quits. @Gimmeahand @TkaraBIJOUnailz @angeliquesnails I feel like an OB #GimmeSuccess It seems this is a trend now and I hate to be the OB so here it goes.... I need more #UH Followers #GoCoogs... Ok got it off my chest I hope Kim doesn't return next season. She is really the OB out of the group. #RHOA

Im always the OB out 36min | Bath really are impressing at the breakdown this half, slowing Sarries possession and pinching the OB here or there. I'm such an OB in the house lol Its always one OB in the group with a android phone…I hate you lowkey feel like I'm the OB of squad and never know what's going on Now a days, if you ain't pregnant you're the OB out. It's my OB Adam Rauscher's birthday too! Here's an action movie we made in high school: …There are nunchucks! Hi I'm KnuckleDu and welcome to financial Jackass. Today we're going to go to lunch with my OB, Triforce and I only have money for me Happy Caucus Eve everyone! Going on @MHPshow around 11:40am ET to talk Iowa with my OB @AriMelber. Should be fun. @EdgeRatedR Adam, whose hand is this?! How are you my OB?! RIP flow 10/16/15 to 1/28/16 you will be deeply missed OB Quick layover at the Orlando airport, and @swpbigdan and I ran into an OB. #goofy4life "Happy Birthday to my OB Brian Downey" SG lookin' forward to swapin' songs & tellin' old stories about the compound tomorrow with my OB @BleuEdmondson @TheRedneckCC 7:30 free! Ring Weekend looking good with his OB Loco. Heading down to Palm Meadows today #HGM… When you look at the wisdom of Burwell running HHS-where is it? Without OB Zeke Emanuel writing her policy...well you figure it out i wish tucson highs theater clique hadnt been so fucking OB i wanted to be in with them sooooo bad I usually dont #block #malcontents even when #OB they R more likely 2hear different viewpoints if not blocked than if blocked @davidf4444 @Nopropaganda OB he stands on truth, principle and the constitution to back up his values. Sente stands on $ only @fictionkin i got excited because i got attention and then started acting OB of it so i @sushimustwrite I'm only OB I love you. 8D I'm only OB j find it funny @JoyAnnReid @EJDionne That was my thought too! Is @ChrisChristie feeling need 2 B wven more OB of Evil Donald? Oh boy! Ese momento you're kids find you super duper OB you're abnormally giddy & psyched about a debate #Election2016 #CruzCrew @SharetheBern No. They think you are OB of the post I criticized. Its not me, its you. Sorry. Truth hurts. she says things without thinking and it's OB she still hurts me when she tried to apologize for it

What does OB stand for?

Terms relating to OB

5EVER - Because Forever Isn't Long Enough B/C - Because BCOS - Because BILY - Because I Love You BISS - Because I Said So CAUSE - Because COS - Because COZ - Because CUZ - Because AYTMTB - And You're Telling Me This Because .... BC - Because BCOZ - Because