ODST Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ODST mean? Now know the meaning of ODST used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming)

Meaning of ODST ?

Meaning of ODST is Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming).

ODST Definition

The defintion of ODST is Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming). .

What does ODST mean?

ODST means Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming).

Comments having ODST

@Beanz_1988 ODST is "Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming)"

What does ODST stand for?

Terms relating to ODST

*O* - Confused, surprised, shocked 0_0 - Shocked :0 - Surprised, shocked =0 - Surprised, shocked CAL - Cyberathlete Amateur League (gaming) CPL - Cyberathlete Professional League (gaming) CRIT - Critical hit (gaming) D: - Suprised, shocked DDG - Drop Dead Gorgeous DEAR - Drop Everything And Read DMAL - Drop Me A Line DRO - HyDROponically grown marijuana DZ - Drop Zone GNK - Glitch No Kill (gaming) GOSH - Exclamation of suprise or shock HYDRO - Hydroponically grown marijuana LSHIDMT - Laughing So Hard I Drop My Taco MT - Mistell (Gaming) O-O - Shock ODST - Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (Gaming) OWN - Beat, dominate (gaming) WTW - Walk Through Walls (gaming) YIKES - Expression of shock or surprise DDG - Drop Dead Gorgeous LMAOSHMSFOAIDMT - Laughing My A** Off So Hard My Sombrero Fell Off And I Dropped My Taco ROTFLSHMSFOAIDMT - Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Fell Off And I Droped My Taco SHOX - Shocks DKU - Drop Kick Ugly HSD - high school dropout A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z