PAYCE Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does PAYCE mean? Now know the meaning of PAYCE used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of PAYCE ?

Meaning of PAYCE is Peace.

PAYCE Definition

The defintion of PAYCE is Peace. .

What does PAYCE mean?

PAYCE means Peace.

Comments having PAYCE

So sad to hear about Sir Terry, what a man! Funny, sharp, warm, inspiring and so much fun to be around. We'll miss him. rest in PAYCE Snowden, Colombia, Greek islanders among Nobel PAYCE Prize tips I hope February brings me PAYCE, joy and happiness. Many accomplishments are set up to be made. Please be good to me Dear Lord, help me to remember You are my deliverer, and You always hear my cry.Prayer is the bridge between panic and PAYCE. RT!!! Worry increases pressure; prayer releases PAYCE. You can have PAYCE, or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once. - Robert Heinlein If Palestinians stop defending themselves, Israel will wipe them off their land. If Israel stops stealing land, there would be PAYCE. PAYCE and blessings to all Should really Teams Allied With al-Qaeda Be Integrated in Syria PAYCE Talks? - … Must-read @WSJ: "#Syria’s Phony PAYCE Talks: #Assad bombs with impunity while Islamic State gains ground" …

Terms relating to PAYCE

808 - Police code for disturbing the peace DEUCES - Peace DTP - Disturbing The Peace P&L - Peace And Love PAX - Peace PAYCE - Peace PBUH - Peace Be Upon Him PBWU - Peace Be With You PBWY - Peace Be With You PCE - Peace PITME - Peace In the Middle East PLH - Peace, Love and Happiness PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect PNL - Peace And Love PZ - Peace RIP - Rest In Peace SALAM - Peace (Arabic) \\// - Peace ASAP - Adult Singles At Peace LAPD - Love And Peace Dude LPH - Love, Peace, Happiness PBJ - Peace, Blessings, and Joy P2U4URAQTP - Peace To You For You Are A Cutie Pie PITMEMBOAM - Peace In The Middle East My Brother Of Another Mother PLJ - Peace, love, joy POMS - Peace out my sucka PTTF - Peace To The Family R.I.P. - rest in peace SPOS - stupid peace of s**t A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z