RIP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does RIP mean? Now know the meaning of RIP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Convert music/video on CD to MP3s Rest In Peace

Meaning of RIP ?

Meaning of RIP is Convert music/video on CD to MP3s , Rest In Peace .

RIP Definition

The defintion of RIP is Convert music/video on CD to MP3s , Rest In Peace . .

What does RIP mean?

RIP means Convert music/video on CD to MP3s , Rest In Peace .

Terms relating to RIP

808 - Police code for disturbing the peace BEH - Expression of disinterest, IDC BWW - Buffalo Wild Wings (restaurant) CHIPOTLE - Mexican-style restaurant CRIP - Community Restoration in Progress (gang) DEUCES - Peace DTP - Disturbing The Peace ECW - Extreme Championship Wrestling ET - Extra Terrestrial HOLLA - Used by a man to express interest in a woman IOI - Indication of Interest IRMC - I Rest My Case IWC - Internet Wrestling Community NICKED - Arrested ONCO - Or Nearest Cash Offer ONO - Or Nearest Offer OOI - Out Of Interest P&L - Peace And Love PAX - Peace PAYCE - Peace PBUH - Peace Be Upon Him PBWU - Peace Be With You PBWY - Peace Be With You PCE - Peace PINCHED - Caught, arrested PITME - Peace In the Middle East PLH - Peace, Love and Happiness PLI - Potential Love Interest PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect PNL - Peace And Love POI - Point(s) Of Interest PZ - Peace QI - Quite Interesting R&R - Rest and Relaxation RIP - Rest In Peace ROH - Ring of Honor (wrestling) ROW - Rest Of the World RR - Restroom SALAM - Peace (Arabic) SETI - Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence TROTW - The Rest Of The World TWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting Name TYMBI - Thought You Might Be Interested VIG - Interest paid on a loan WCW - World Championship Wrestling WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment WWF - World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) YKTR - You Know the Rest \\// - Peace AIA - All Interested Adults A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z