Set Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Set mean? Now know the meaning of Set used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Division of a gang Agree Acquiesce Accomplished Assure

Meaning of Set ?

Meaning of Set is Division of a gang, Agree, Acquiesce, Accomplished, Assure.

Set Definition

The defintion of Set is Division of a gang, Agree, Acquiesce, Accomplished, Assure. .

What does Set mean?

Set means Division of a gang, Agree, Acquiesce, Accomplished, Assure.

Comments having Set

@2_Desire_Me smh and you listen to rappers that use that term alot you know the set is a sub SET ... e.g the bloods have piru I'd fight so many of these wannabe gang bangers around here. This is Kentucky lol what are you in the 78th SET? @Alcatraz_psycho (Iggy) I'm I'm the second SET. Along with Crossfire, Daze, Nudge and now Jenna That backhand though! 1st Set to the Spaniard 7-5. #RG16 Instagram is Set to change in a big way via @toi_tech

It's you who wants rid so why dont you push it with the club ? You do the work to Set it up … Radiohead deliver buoyant, cathartic headlining Set at Primavera. Our review: #RG16| Game, Set, match & championship @GarbiMuguruza: Game. Set. #RolandGarros @GarbiMuguruza Game. Set. Match MUGURUZA! Say hello to our newest #RolandGarros champion. .@serenawilliams rocking! @GarbiMuguruza is now 4-2 up in second Set, 2 games away from #RG16 victory! How people Set the Alarm: Others - "7AM" Me - "6.30 AM, 6.45 AM, 6.50 AM, 6.55 AM, 7 AM." .@GarbiMuguruza regains her composure to lead 3-1 in the second Set. Work for @serenawilliams to do. #RG16 That backhand though! 1st Set to the Spaniard 7-5. #RG16 Instagram is Set to change in a big way via @toi_tech It's you who wants rid so why dont you push it with the club ? You do the work to Set it up … Radiohead deliver buoyant, cathartic headlining Set at Primavera. Our review: #RG16| Game, Set, match & championship @GarbiMuguruza: Game. Set. #RolandGarros @GarbiMuguruza Game. Set. Match MUGURUZA! Say hello to our newest #RolandGarros champion. .@serenawilliams rocking! @GarbiMuguruza is now 4-2 up in second Set, 2 games away from #RG16 victory! How people Set the Alarm: Others - "7AM" Me - "6.30 AM, 6.45 AM, 6.50 AM, 6.55 AM, 7 AM." .@GarbiMuguruza regains her composure to lead 3-1 in the second Set. Work for @serenawilliams to do. #RG16 That backhand though! 1st Set to the Spaniard 7-5. #RG16 Instagram is Set to change in a big way via @toi_tech It's you who wants rid so why dont you push it with the club ? You do the work to Set it up … Radiohead deliver buoyant, cathartic headlining Set at Primavera. Our review: #RG16| Game, Set, match & championship @GarbiMuguruza: Game. Set. #RolandGarros @GarbiMuguruza Game. Set. Match MUGURUZA! Say hello to our newest #RolandGarros champion. .@serenawilliams rocking! @GarbiMuguruza is now 4-2 up in second Set, 2 games away from #RG16 victory! How people Set the Alarm: Others - "7AM" Me - "6.30 AM, 6.45 AM, 6.50 AM, 6.55 AM, 7 AM." .@GarbiMuguruza regains her composure to lead 3-1 in the second Set. Work for @serenawilliams to do. #RG16 That backhand though! 1st Set to the Spaniard 7-5. #RG16 Instagram is Set to change in a big way via @toi_tech It's you who wants rid so why dont you push it with the club ? You do the work to Set it up … Radiohead deliver buoyant, cathartic headlining Set at Primavera. Our review: #RG16| Game, Set, match & championship @GarbiMuguruza: Game. Set. #RolandGarros @GarbiMuguruza Game. Set. Match MUGURUZA! Say hello to our newest #RolandGarros champion. .@serenawilliams rocking! @GarbiMuguruza is now 4-2 up in second Set, 2 games away from #RG16 victory! How people Set the Alarm: Others - "7AM" Me - "6.30 AM, 6.45 AM, 6.50 AM, 6.55 AM, 7 AM." .@GarbiMuguruza regains her composure to lead 3-1 in the second Set. Work for @serenawilliams to do. #RG16

What does Set stand for?

Terms relating to Set

Buck Up - Assure Brace Up - Assure Ice - Assure Put On Ice - Assure Lock - Assure Lock On - Assure Lock And Win - Assure Have A Lock On - Assure Lock Up - Assure Cinch - Assure Clinch - Assure Nail Down - Assure