SFTBC Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does SFTBC mean? Now know the meaning of SFTBC used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Sorry For The Broadcast

Meaning of SFTBC ?

Meaning of SFTBC is Sorry For The Broadcast .

SFTBC Definition

The defintion of SFTBC is Sorry For The Broadcast . .

What does SFTBC mean?

SFTBC means Sorry For The Broadcast .

Terms relating to SFTBC

BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation BSTS - Better Safe Than Sorry CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting GOMEN - Sorry ISS - I'm So Sorry NBC - National Broadcasting Company NSFTBC - Not Sorry For The Broadcast PBS - Public Broadcasting Service RTE - National broadcaster in Ireland S2S - Sorry To Say SBT - Sorry 'Bout That SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist SFLR - Sorry For Late Reply SFP - Sorry for Partying SFTBC - Sorry For The Broadcast SIA - Sorry I Asked SIAP - Sorry If Already Posted SIDK - Sorry, I Didn't Know SMIDSY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You SOWIE - Sorry SOZ - Sorry SRY - Sorry STBY - Sorry To Bother You SWY - Sowwy (sorry) YBS - You'll Be Sorry S.E. - Sorry Excuse S.L.R. - Sorry, Late Reply SAP - Sorry Ass Person SAT - Sorry About That SBYL - Sorry Bout Your Luck SBYL - Sorry Bout Your Life SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist SE - Sorry Excuse SIAP - Sorry If Already Posted SIV - Sorry I Vanished SLR - Sorry, Late Reply SMIDSY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You SOZ - Sorry :) SRO - Sorry, Random Outburst STU - Sorry, Time's Up WBS - Webchat Broadcasting System WSSH - We're Sorry Something Happened XVS - very sorry YBS - You'll Be Sorry A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z