SRSLY Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does SRSLY mean? Now know the meaning of SRSLY used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Seriously Seriously

Meaning of SRSLY ?

Meaning of SRSLY is Seriously, Seriously.

SRSLY Definition

The defintion of SRSLY is Seriously, Seriously. .

What does SRSLY mean?

SRSLY means Seriously, Seriously.

Comments having SRSLY

New girl crush alert ... @VanessaHudgens who is SRSLY crushing this #GreaseLive #TeamRiz Woman SRSLY injured by truck involved in two separate accidents I'm pretty sure the Groundhog is a Baptist. He shows up once a year and expects everyone to take him SRSLY. An evangelical is someone who loves Jesus, believes the Bible, takes their faith SRSLY and proclaims the Good News of salvation Dear Cruz Supporters:SRSLY, quit trying to convince me that lying is morally acceptable.It isn't -- not to real conservatives.

SRSLY missed ikon so much idk it feels like i havent seen the boys for years n theyve gotten more handsome when will they come to v app Anyone opposing the criminal invaders is smeared as far-right or racist. Nobody in their right mind takes those words SRSLY any more. Me and the wife were doing a bit of role play, She was going to be my boss, but I think I took it a bit too SRSLY.....I called in sick SRSLY, how does one get a revolution with only a tiny margin of difference from @HillaryClinton ? Get real people! I forget what to do when I'm not with you. SRSLY missing tour and all of your beautiful faces. New girl crush alert ... @VanessaHudgens who is SRSLY crushing this #GreaseLive #TeamRiz Woman SRSLY injured by truck involved in two separate accidents I'm pretty sure the Groundhog is a Baptist. He shows up once a year and expects everyone to take him SRSLY. An evangelical is someone who loves Jesus, believes the Bible, takes their faith SRSLY and proclaims the Good News of salvation Dear Cruz Supporters:SRSLY, quit trying to convince me that lying is morally acceptable.It isn't -- not to real conservatives. SRSLY missed ikon so much idk it feels like i havent seen the boys for years n theyve gotten more handsome when will they come to v app Anyone opposing the criminal invaders is smeared as far-right or racist. Nobody in their right mind takes those words SRSLY any more. Me and the wife were doing a bit of role play, She was going to be my boss, but I think I took it a bit too SRSLY.....I called in sick SRSLY, how does one get a revolution with only a tiny margin of difference from @HillaryClinton ? Get real people! I forget what to do when I'm not with you. SRSLY missing tour and all of your beautiful faces.

What does SRSLY stand for?

Terms relating to SRSLY

(S) - Seriously AFS - Always, Forever and Seriously BSF - But Seriously Folks BST - But Seriously Though SLOL - Seriously Laughing Out Loud SRSLY - Seriously BST. - But Seriously Though BST - But Seriously Though ISDC - I Seriously Don't Care PIS - Please Ignore Seriously SKS - Seriously Killer Stuff SRSLY - Seriously