SYTYCD Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does SYTYCD mean? Now know the meaning of SYTYCD used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

So You Think You Can Dance

Meaning of SYTYCD ?

Meaning of SYTYCD is So You Think You Can Dance.

SYTYCD Definition

The defintion of SYTYCD is So You Think You Can Dance. .

What does SYTYCD mean?

SYTYCD means So You Think You Can Dance.

Comments having SYTYCD

'SYTYCD' gets 13th season, with a twist: SYTYCD is coming back to Fox,... SYTYCD The Next Generation Holding Auditions for Kids Nationwide - Auditions... ‘SYTYCD’ Renewed for Season 13 on Fox with New Format … via @Variety SYTYCD Will Now Feature Child Competitors "SYTYCD: THE NEXT GENERATION” PREMIERES MONDAY, MAY 30 ON FOX via FOXTV I liked a @YouTube video Tucker Knox on SYTYCD season 10 audition SYTYCD is one of those shows I wish I would've gotten into. I know it's good, but I never watched consistently. SYTYCD Renewed, But There Are Major Changes Coming Just found out that this season of SYTYCD will consist of contestants ages 8-13.... I'm officially not watching. SYTYCD will return, but with a huge change

Terms relating to SYTYCD

823 - Thinking Of You ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) AITYD - And I Think You Do ATOY - Always Thinking of you BOTDF - Blood On The Dance Floor (band) BTWITIAILWU - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BTWITIAILWY - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You COCKY - Thinking too highly of yourself DDR - Dance Dance Revolution (Game) DETAI - Don't Even Think About It DFM - Dance Floor Makeout DMTA - Dirty Minds Think Alike DOUGIE - Dance style DYT - Don't You Think? EDM - Electronic Dance Music GET DOWN - Party, dance GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike HM - Thinking IAW - In Accordance With ICSTAY - I Can't Stop Thinking About You IDM - Intelligent Dance Music IDT - I Don't Think IDTS - I Don't Think So INTP - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (personality type indicator) ITAI - I'll Think About It ITIAILWY - I Think I Am In Love With You ITIKY - I Think I Know You ITILU - I Think I Love You ITILY - I Think I Love You ITN - I Think Not ITOY - I'm Thinking Of You ITS - I Think/Thought So ITYF - I Think You'll Find ITYM - I Think You Mean IYTT - If You Think That JTOL - Just Thinking Out Loud JTOY - Just Thinking Of You LMT - Let Me Think MMT - Makes Me Think PG - Parental Guidance PG-13 - Parental Guidance if under 13 (movie rating) POPPING - Dance style RAVE - A Large Dance Party SCRUB - Loser who thinks he's something SYTYCD - So You Think You Can Dance TAI - Think About It TAY - Thinking About You TBYS - Think Before You Speak TGAL - Think Globally, Act Locally TOL - Thinking Out Loud A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z