Size Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Size mean? Now know the meaning of Size used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Appraise Ascertain Assay Assess

Meaning of Size ?

Meaning of Size is Appraise, Ascertain, Assay, Assess.

Size Definition

The defintion of Size is Appraise, Ascertain, Assay, Assess. .

What does Size mean?

Size means Appraise, Ascertain, Assay, Assess.

Comments having Size

bad news is we don't have any more 12's but the good news is that's Kanye's Size so he said u can have one of his. … Thank you #OCRBusiness for the good 10 mark questions but not thank you for the fact I had to write Size 8 font Justing Bieber takes on a man twice his Size! Every increase in the Size of government necessitates a decrease in an individual's freedom. - Christian Harold Fletcher Riley It is not the Size of a man, but the Size of his heart that matters. -Evander Holyfield

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