TBTP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TBTP mean? Now know the meaning of TBTP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

That's Beside The Point That's Beside The Point

Meaning of TBTP ?

Meaning of TBTP is That's Beside The Point , That's Beside The Point .

TBTP Definition

The defintion of TBTP is That's Beside The Point , That's Beside The Point . .

What does TBTP mean?

TBTP means That's Beside The Point , That's Beside The Point .

Terms relating to TBTP

APB - All Points Bulletin ASP - At Some Point AYPI - And Your Point Is? BUMMED - Disappointed, upset DKP - Dragon Kill Points (MMORPGs) EFTPOS - Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale EPOS - Electronic Point Of Sale EXP - Experience points in games GEOCACHE - Scavenger hunt destination point GPA - Grade-Point Average IKTR - I Know That's Right JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point (bullet) MPE - My Point Exactly NEF - Person who posts pointless messages on forums P&C - Point and Click PHB - Pointy-Haired Boss (from Dilbert) PNC - Point and Click POI - Point(s) Of Interest PONR - Point Of No Return POV - Point Of View PPT - Microsoft PowerPoint SHUCKS - Expression of modesty or disappointment SOK - That's OK SPOC - Single Point of Contact SWYP - So What's Your Point? TAFN - That's All For Now TBTP - That's Beside The Point TFM2KAU2FO - That's For Me to Know And You To Find Out TFMTK - That's For Me To Know TIFN - That's It For Now TNF - That's Not Funny TNTM - That's News To Me TOUCHE - Said when admitting opponent has made a good point TPS - Totally pointless stuff TSF - That's So Funny TTP - To The Point TWFAF - That's What Friends Are For TWHS - That's What He Said TWID - That's What I Do TWIT - That's What I Thought TWITA - That's What I'm Talking About TWSS - That's What She Said TWU - That's What's Up TWYMS - That's What Your Mom Said UGH - Expression of disappointment or disgust USP - Unique Selling Point WAFFLE - Pointless talk WAP - Wireless Access Point WTP - What's The Point? WYP - What's Your Point? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z