TILII Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TILII mean? Now know the meaning of TILII used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Tell It Like It Is

Meaning of TILII ?

Meaning of TILII is Tell It Like It Is.

TILII Definition

The defintion of TILII is Tell It Like It Is. .

What does TILII mean?

TILII means Tell It Like It Is.

Comments having TILII

Watching Bernie TILII. I love Bernie because he is real. Listen to TILII (Prod by KDaGreat) by Rellgramz #np on #SoundCloud … A lot 2 crow about, she won & won more delegates, so TILII & don't be a sore loser #morningjoe … #Libras call it how we see it, we TILII and we expect those around us to do the same. Tiffany just said that SHE is going to win CBB #CBBBOTS Yas Queen TILII Not trying to be rude but as a #Taurus you TILII. Don't make me wait, I may be emotionally fragile and needy but just TILII. I know more about it than you do and I TILII. I don't hate the believer, just the belief. … @ChrisABiersack THANK YOU Its really good hearing the background info & think you dispell 'rumours' & TILII really well. If you're not going to say it to the person you shouldn't be subtweeting or saying it in DM's. TILII. Don't be a snake.

Terms relating to TILII

420 FRIENDLY - Person who likes smoking pot AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell AI - Artificial Intelligence ATM - Automated Teller Machine (cash machine) BCE - Before Common Era (like BC) BFFLE - Best Friends For Like Ever BGL - Big Game License, likes fat people BLG - Boys Like Girls (band) BRODA - Bro Who Is Like Yoda CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart CHOOB - High level player who acts like a noob CIA - Central Intelligence Agency DADT - Don't Ask, Don't Tell DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend DFLI - Don't Feel Like It DIG - Enjoy, like DILLIC - Does It Look Like I Care DILLIGAD - Do I Look Like I Give A Darn? DMTA - Dirty Minds Think Alike DTMWTD - Don't Tell Me What To Do DYL - Do You Like...? DYLM - Do You Love/Like Me? E> - Heart like <3 ELI5 - Explain Like I'm 5 FLS - Flu-Like Symptoms FREEBSD - Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS) GLAG - Giggling Like A Girl GLU - Guys/Girsl Like Us GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike IDFLI - I Don't Feel Like It IDL - I Don't Like ... IDLI - I Don't Like It IDLT - I Don't Like That IDLY - I Don't Love/Like You IDM - Intelligent Dance Music IITUWUTMAS - If I Tell You Will You Tell Me A Secret? IITYWIMIWHTKY - If I Tell You What It Means I Will Have to Kill You ·IITYWTMWYBMAD - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink? IITYWTMWYKM - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? IITYWYBMAD - If I Tell You Will You Buy Me A Drink IKLY - I Kinda Like You ILT - I Like That ILYLAS - I Love You Like A Sister INTEL - Intelligence IP - Intellectual Property IQ - Intelligence Quotient IRLY - I Really Like You ITYL - I'll Tell You Later IYQ - I Like You JLT - Just like that A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z