Tot Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Tot mean? Now know the meaning of Tot used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Small child Terribly Off Topic Temporary Off Topic Add

Meaning of Tot ?

Meaning of Tot is Small child, Terribly Off Topic, Temporary Off Topic, Add.

Tot Definition

The defintion of Tot is Small child, Terribly Off Topic, Temporary Off Topic, Add. .

What does Tot mean?

Tot means Small child, Terribly Off Topic, Temporary Off Topic, Add.

Comments having Tot

A TOT runs fearfully across an open field - but not fast enough - soon buried hopelessly in people desperate to teach coding. It's windy af in LA today. I just saw a TOT turn into a kite. if you ever want to fully experience the absurdity of modern existence, try explaining the concept of a credit card to a TOT there's a TOT visiting my house who just called me "unamerican" for not having dr pepper What do we want? SLEEP!When do we want it? ASAP BECAUSE WE'RE SUPER EXHAUS%2ATOT wakes up again%2A

Badmouthing absent parent to a TOT does harm. Love your child enough to refrain from this until they old enough to handle the truth MARK! You're his legal guardian for the weekend! You can't light a TOT on fire. … "I'm Bret Baier, a TOT from a 50's sitcom who was exposed to a massive dose of Gamma radiation." I like my automatic ice maker because it's very spontaneous, like am I gonna get one ice cube? Am I gonna ge a TOT? What will I get? Some TOT said "Daddy" and I turned around. I'm such a mess. What has the internet done to me @alktomycin ALSO THIS IS TOT BUT … THE TYPE OF AWFUL BLURRY SNAPCHAT WHEN XUS OVER IN CHINA LMFAO @vicschleich @CNNSitRoom no we shouldn't do a holocaust. and now you are drifting TOT. I always go TOT in conversations without even meaning to and it makes me look like such a goon @gracekallemeyn lol TOT but it's okay ur still awesome I like how @CNN displays the questions asked. This way, we know how TOT these guys (and gal%29 will undoubtedly drift. #debate @pikachu81624 this is TOT tbh hereyou are not horribleyou are not a diseaseyou bring more good than I do @ri_kh yes this is a tragedy and outrageous like many other manifestations of racism in the western world. Also TOT :%29 @highkeychildish So like, I know this is TOT. But please explain that to me. If they're not Arabs then what are they? @MorganLuthi @mattconn TOT but we have the same last name and that is weird. It's Matt's fault. "You can satisfy your need to get high and have some delicious whip cream as well. It's a feature." Lol. We are TOT. Step into the booties of a 2 year-old Tot in psychological thriller Among the Sleep [T]: … Genelia D'Souza and Riteish Deshmukh bring their tiny Tot home - Daily News… #Bollywood so ready to go Tot he river today. okay i've watched the teaser i Tot it was a prank i Tot it was exo crack Stop being a Tot let me love you Starting to work out because I'm tired of looking like a tator Tot Getting to watch a first timer at WDW is great. You remember how you felt when you first saw the castle, the feeling when you drop at Tot OMFG ... Tot.. <3 … I graduated before 2ne1 comeback </3 their last comeback is when i was in 2nd yr college Tot … lrt: yoo ah in's fansite said aftr seein kyungsoo in reality, she Tot he's got an actor face n was surprised, n she also had impression of-

What does Tot stand for?