TOTES Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TOTES mean? Now know the meaning of TOTES used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of TOTES ?

Meaning of TOTES is Totally.

TOTES Definition

The defintion of TOTES is Totally. .

What does TOTES mean?

TOTES means Totally.

Comments having TOTES

@GaryLineker TOTES agree......hope you informed Everton in 1986 when Barcelona made first contact!! I am TOTES fine w Punxsutawney Phil's findings. Seems like a nice groundhog. … These People TOTES #Forgot To #Wear #Pants The fact theres a baby boy balloon for a TOTES different stunt has be deadass in tears @Gurmeetramrahim In these daysPapa g aftr meditation i am living TOTES differnt lyf blessme to continue it4Rst of my lyf#MahaRehmoKarm EU capitulates TOTES on #SafeHarbor. Interesting, given that they held all the cards. … … TOTES stuck in our heads right now: Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee #9GreaseLive Microsoft "Here is some free software to count up the votes, TOTES free, no agenda in it at all" #MicrosoftRubioFraud It's weird how u give importance to people who TOTES don't deserve it... #life I TOTES LOVE THIS IDEA!!!I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF TWEETING SUMTHN DAT WOULD CHEER HIM UP!#ALDUBPanibagongLihim …

What does TOTES stand for?

Terms relating to TOTES

ITA - I Totally Agree OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject TBTH - To Be Totally Honest TNOP - Totally Not Our Problem TOOC - Totally Out Of Control TOTES - Totally TOTES PRESH - Totally Precious TOTEZ - Totally TOTS - Totally TOTZ - Totally TPS - Totally pointless stuff TTLY - Totally FTD - Feeling Totally Disgusted ITA - I Totally Agree OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject STH - So Totally Hot STH - She's Totally Hot! T.C. - Totally Clueless T.O - Totally Obtuse T.T. - Totally Terrific TAC - Totally Arm Chair TBS - Totally Boring Shovels TC - Totally Clueless TCA - Totally Crushed Again TCMI - Totally Cannot Make It TCP - Totally Controllable Pixies TJ - Totally Junior TMD - Totally Miserable Day TNOP - Totally Not Our Problem TO - Totally Obtuse TOTT - Totally Over The Top TR. - Totally Rejected TR - Totally Rejected TT. - Totally Terrific TT - Totally Terrific TTFN - Totally Totally Fun Now TTLY - Totally TTTKA - Time To Totally Kick A** TTTKB - Time To Totally Kick Butt TWI - Totally With It WTF - Way Totally Fun 2TALI - totally AATF - Always And Totally Forever TDTU - Totally Devoted To You TSFW - Totally Safe For Work TSR - Totally Stupid Rules TWTI - That was totally ironic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z