TRICKIN Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TRICKIN mean? Now know the meaning of TRICKIN used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Spending money on a girl

Meaning of TRICKIN ?

Meaning of TRICKIN is Spending money on a girl.

TRICKIN Definition

The defintion of TRICKIN is Spending money on a girl. .

What does TRICKIN mean?

TRICKIN means Spending money on a girl.

Comments having TRICKIN

My Valentines day dilemma isn't TRICKIN, the question is who is it gonna be..? TRICKIN does not equal pussy @sararazza_ like TRICKIN that's a gold digger @stephaaniee22 I mean I wouldn't mind TRICKIN but some females is just ungrateful lol Instead of TRICKIN for Valentine's Day I'm gonna get some new ink I don't mind TRICKIN for valentines day but when she just expecting it that's when its kinda an issue Nothing can be as savage as TRICKIN at a club%2A VIP%2A and then she calls her boyfriend to come pick her up...ooh Nigga?WTF @OneillAmy @KatieBalchinX do u think going after the girls and TRICKIN is good thing ? So you not TRICKIN till you fuck ? … Following people who don't retweet is like TRICKIN who already has a boyfriend.

Terms relating to TRICKIN

$ - Dollar, money $_$ - Has money ABG - Asian Baby Girl BBYG - Baby Girl BGF - Best Girl/Guy Friend BIDDIE - Good looking girl BIDDY - Girl, woman BIMBO - Stupid girl, usually pretty BITTIE - Girl BLG - Boys Like Girls (band) BOO - Boyfriend/Girlfriend BOOMTING - Good looking girl BRE - Sexy girl BREAD - Money BUCK - Money BUCKS - Dollars, money BURD - Bird, girlfriend BURE - Girl, woman BUSKING - Playing music in public for money BUTTER FACE - Girl who is good looking except for her face CHEDDA - Cash, money CHEDDAR - Money CHEESE - Money CHICK - Girl CHIO - Sexy, good looking, girl CHIPS - Money DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend DINERO - Money DMS - Dirty Money Syndicate DOSH - Money DOUGH - Money, cash EX - Former girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc FBG - Fat Bottomed Girl FG - Fat Girl GAL - Girl GAL PAL - Man who hangs around with girls GALDEM - Group of girls GF - Girlfriend GGW - Girls Gone Wild GJWHF - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun GLAG - Giggling Like A Girl GND - Girl Next Door GNO - Girls/Guys Night Out GOLD DIGGER - Person who loves someone just for their money GOMD - Guy/Girl Of My Dreams GOS - Girlfriend Over Shoulder GRENADE - Ugly girl in a group GRL - Girl GRRL - Girl GUAP - Money A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z